ED501 - Translate only option

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Bev Edwards
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    When selecting the Translate only option in the ED501, does the job produce and output file (NEOFTPGHX) and if so, where is the file placed? I want to be able to verify new mappings for a test PO I am sending.
    Basic Member
    Posts: 5
    Basic Member
      Yes, ED501 will produce a NEOFTPGHX file.  If I remember correctly, this will differ depending on what version of Lawson you are on. We are on 9.0.1.  When I run an ED501 with Translate Only set, my output goes to $LAWDIR/prodline/edi/work.
      It should tell you in your ExamLog where the ED501 put the file.

      I think if you are on 9.0 or earlier, when the ED programs were in the logan productline, then the files would be under your logan directory instead of your app productline directory. 
      Mike Bernhard
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 101
      Veteran Member
        Once you run ED501 in translate only, you will want to review the results in your job log. for 9.0.x and newer, you should be able to go to ED04 (the job log) and select your job using the "lookup" feature.  Newest job is on top.  Prior to 9.0.x, you should be able to review the results in the job log.