EProcurement Punchout with SciQuest

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Gary Padgett
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    Beginning the EProcurement setup for SciQuest.  This poses a different setup scenario than our other partner.  For SciQuest, we can order supplies from multiple vendors thru one website.  My question is related to the setup in rqc_config.xml and in the ED programs.  In particular, if we can order from 20 different vendors thru SciQuest, do I need to set up 20 templates (ED45)?
    Ken Ptak
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      We have SciQuest set up with 3 Punchout User Groups (ED41) and 1 Punchout Template (ED45). Each of the Punchout User Groups has an entry in the rqc_config.xml with a unique extrinsic attribute Role assigned. The role is maintained on the SciQuest side to determine which vendors are available on their website. We also map two classification fields (UNSPEC and Product Source) to user fields and two extrinsic fields (Purchase From to RLN_PURCH_FR_LOC and ExternalSupplierID to RLN_VENDOR).

      I was not involved with the SciQuest implementation, so I can't speak for what obstacles were encountered, but I do believe there might have been some work on the SciQuest side to pass the additional extrinsic and classification fields to us.
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        Hello Gary.  I'd like to see if I can help you out. 

        Short answer to your question about how many B2B Template records  you may need ; One.

        In my experience the setup for SciQuest would be something like this.
        1.  One ED45 / B2B Template record.  I'd leave the "Vendor" field empty/blank,
        2.  One ED41 / B2B User Group record.
        3.  One-to-many ED43 / B2B User records (one for each requester who will be "punching out").
        4.  Establish the ED53 / B2B Attributes SciQuest requires.  These are user-level attributes (a.k.a. "Extrinsic" elements), so you will need to establish one group of B2B Attributes for each requester.

        Now after a PunchOut session with SciQuest concludes and you checkout from their website, the data coming to you MAY or MAY NOT contain YOUR vendor identifiers, meaning the requester will need to assign the vendor value manually (in Requisition Center) after punching out and returning to RQC. 

        Consult with SciQuest about having them send your specific vendor id's.  This would most likely be done using elements as the vehicle to send your vendor ids, which means you would need to establish the appropriate instruction to take the data from whatever XML element it is contained in and place it into the RLN_VENDOR field (see Appendix I of a recent Lawson Procurement PunchOut and Purchase Order Dispatcher Installation and Administration Guide for the complete list of fields you can map data to)

        Hope this helps answer your question(s).
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          "...you will need to establish one group of B2B Attributes for each requester."

          And then associate (attach) those attributes to the appropriate ED43/B2B User record, using the "Attributes" button on that screen (ED43)
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            (Excerpted from the Lawson Procurement Punchout Vendor List (EPPVL-9.0.1.doc, from Nov. 2011)

            SciQuest – Special Setup Instructions

            IMPORTANT You will want to confirm with the vendor that these instructions are valid.

            1. Create the following 'B2B Attributes' (ED53.1). Spelling must match EXACTLY (case matters)
            Attribute Name Attribute VALUE
            FirstName Your first name
            LastName Your last name
            UserEmail Your email address
            UniqueName Use a value that is unique to this user.
            Department Your department (make it up. SciQuest doesn’t care what this value is).

            2. Attach those attributes to your User record (ED53).
            Gary Padgett
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              Thanks, Ken and Dwight.  This info is consistent with what I also was told in conversation with another Lawson SciQuest customer, as well as what I learned late last week in conversations with Lawson Support.  Because of vendor number being located in the EDTEMPLATE record, I was concerned I was going to need a separate template for each vendor, and an eduser record for each one of those - I could see a whole bunch of work ahead!  I will be working with SciQuest to get them to return the appropriate extrinisic attributes.  Thanks again.
              Scott Perrier
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                I am in the process of integrating punchout and punchin with SciQuest.  The vendor was able to user the standard setup from lawson without any special attributes to connect.  The only requirement was the ED43 setup, the user name field (EDU-USNAME) match the user id list in the SciQuest e-Catalog Tool and that the user was set to cXML as the logon method within SciQuest. 

                As for the vendor id, we are using the ThirdPartyID field from the SciQuest Supplier.  We have asked the vendor to map this field as the vendor id to be returned. We are also added a custom field for GL account with in SciQuest as it is also a required field in Lawson. ( you can default this value lawson deepending on how your RQ01 is defined.)

                To activate the punchin logic within lawson, we added a custom flag to SciQuest and are transmitting that flag with our item master feed.  We has asked SciQuest to return the required exstrinsic value based off that flag at the item level. (you did not ask about this but i thought others might need to know.)