PO01 - Receiving Tab - Overshipment Percentage field

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    I would like to set up an over shipment tolerance using this field to avoid Buyer Messages (PO52) from being created when an over receipt occurs.

    I am unsure what % to put in here to allow over receipts on PO line quantities.

    For example: I entered '50.00' in the 'Over Shipment Percentage' field.

    I then tried to receive in 15 EA on a PO line that orders 10 EA. A Buyer Message (PO52) was created for the line (which should not have happened).

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Veteran Member
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    Veteran Member
      I just recreated your scenario on our test server and the receiver released without creating a buyer message. Are you sure the company on your test PO is the same as the company you changed the overshipment percentage?
      Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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      Posts: 35
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        Hi Jon - the companies match. I set the "Disable Overshipment Messages" = Y and tried to over receive and I was able to receive the line without creating a buyer message.
        However, I do not want to leave the tolerance this wide open.
        Veteran Member
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        Veteran Member
          I wouldn't either. The 10 EA on the line wasn't already received when you received the additional 15 EA was it?
          Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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          Posts: 35
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            It was not. The 10 EA was still open to receive.
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