Productivity Tracking Advice

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    Hi.  I want to create a simple dashboard of sorts for our Buyer 1's.  They serve as our front lines - besides actively "placing & chasing" PO's, they are also responsible for returns/repairs, cost message resolution, backorder notification, etc, & often are the center of communication between the vendors, Materials, Receiving, AP & our contracting Buyers.  I currently share this data in various forms with our managers but want to create a 1-page weekly dashboard for each buyer.

    Is anyone doing this now?  The obvious categories leap to mind - PO Volume (breakdown by issue method), Bill Only volume, Return/repair volume, Cost Message volume, Item count by type, but also want to provide categories to remind them of the "big picture" that they are a big part of.  Maybe YTD spend?

    Any suggestions/direction would be greatly appreciated. 

    Veteran Member
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      Open requisition and PO lines might be helpful.
      Veteran Member
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        I've been wanting to do this for a long time. I have a number of productivity reports for purchasing and warehouse that I'd like to create dashboards for. At the first Lawson CUE I went to in 2003 they showed us these wonderful dashboards for the President, VP, Purchasing Director, etc. Just can't seem to get this on the front burner. To many competing priorities from other areas (I'm looking at you HR!).
        Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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          @Leslie - Good suggestion, I already track open PO lines (non-Service, non-Capital) so easy enough to implement.
          @JonA - Amen. Not enough hours in the day to do our jobs the way we'd REALLY like to do them, is there? This has been on my to do list for a long time as well. If I can actually see this through I'll certainly share my templates here. No point in all of us reinventing the wheel.
          ACCESS GNOME
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            I know I'm bringing this thread back from the grave, but just wanted to share a few dashboards that I've created for supply chain.
            -Par loc manager dashboard: This dashboard tracks additional quantities (ADQ) orders. This dashboard helps identify areas where requisitioners are ordering more than the par level. If the instance is more than once for any par loc bin location, the dashboard will identify those for review.
            -Tech assignment dashboard: This dashboard shows workload performance throughout our facilities by internal tech assignment class. This can show if a specific class is performing at the same level as their counterpart at another facility of the same bed size. One of the metrics this also captures is the bill only volume.
            -Receiver volume dashboard: This dashboard tracks receiver volume by operator which is trended over time and broken down by facility.
            -Requisitioner performance dashboard: This dashboard captures requisitioner performance over time and can be broken down by year, month, day, weekday, facility, req source, requester type, account unit, req location and requisitioner. This also shows requisition and line volumes

            I created all these dashboards in Excel which connect to tables in an Access database. Within the Access database, I have established ODBC connections to both Lawson (ORACLE) and Lawson SCM (SQL) where I execute queries and create source tables where the Excel dashboards can connect to.
            Veteran Member
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              How is the information viualized in Lawson? Are the data displayed graphically when a user logs on or do they have to generate the data by clicking a link?
              Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
              ACCESS GNOME
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              Posts: 8
              Basic Member
                All data is visualized within the Excel dashboard. Every morning, all dashboard associated queries are executed in the Access database which will update all source tables. When a user opens up the Excel based dashboards, the data will be refreshed and graphs will be updated. All dashboards are user friendly meaning they have the ability to point and click specific criteria using embeded slicers. I also implemented an export function to export Lawson data to a worksheet if they needed to review any details regarding what the dashboard is showing.
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