Could you please tell me if RQ500 creates an output file? We interface with Pyxis and they send us a file rq500c that's input to RQ500; however I am not sure how to tell if it generates a file. Thanks in advance for your response.
Thanks, Kat. I am new to supporting the procurement system. I am looking at job scheduled in REC def to process a file from pyxis. I am trying to figure out why there is a PO100 before run before and after RQ500. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ok, the parameters on the before PO100s are as follows: Release purchase orders = Y report level = D vendor option = I Vendor, purchase from = 1 (XXX Hospital Supply).
second po100 Release purchase orders = N report level = D vendor option = I Vendor, purchase from = space (I guess all the vendors).
According to last programmer's notes: There are two end results to this job, POs to XXX hospital and picklists all for the Pyxis machines
After RQ500 run
release purchase = Y
Vendor, puchase from = 1 (XXX Hospital Supply)
second PO100, same parameters