RQ500 Interface - File Example

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    Good afternoon!  We are looking at using the RQ500 interface program to interface a requisition file from our TMS application.  I have went out to Lawson KB and can see the file layout, but there is no reference of 'required' -vs- 'optional' fields.  I would think that based on what we're going to be using, only a handful or two of the fields will be necessary.  Is anyone doing this now and if so, would you consider sharing a sample of your interface file along with any other 'tips' you might be able to share?  We are currently using Lawson RQC for Req entry and only a handful of RQ10 entries each week, as a majority of our orders go in as PO's into PO20.  I appreciate any feedback that is offered.  Thank you. 
    Greg Moeller
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      Currently we have an RQ500 file interfacing from Cerner's Surginet...
      From what I can remember, company number, seq number and the dates are pretty much required...
      If you have a test system, you can start with that, and whatever won't load will let you know (pretty close) to what and where the problem(s) are.

      I can't remember if it's required or not, but a standard record size of 1165 is used, so if you are getting an interface file created, it's much easier to have the file created with a fixed 1165 record length.

      Due to our sample files containing Dr. and Patient information, I cannot upload them here.  I'll see what I can mock-up though tomorrow.

      Are you guys Windows or Unix?
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        Hi Greg - Thanks for the reply. We are running UNIX release 9.01.8.
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          Kevin, In the Lawson requisition file layout that i have, on the RQ500 tab, it does show the required fields for each record type (header, line, and comment) - listed right above the field list for each record.
          Greg Moeller
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            Here's an example file that you can use for comparison...  I know for a fact that this file works here.

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              Thank you Greg! I will see how this compares to what we have been working with. Have a good weekend! //Kevin
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                Could you please tell me if RQ500 creates an output file? We interface with Pyxis and they send us a file rq500c that's input to RQ500; however I am not sure how to tell if it generates a file. Thanks in advance for your response.

                Kat V
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                  Yes - the job generates a RQ500.prt to the print manager - ours shows up as user "pyxis". It shows the requester and req number created and will tell you any lines that error out.
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                    Thanks, Kat. I am new to supporting the procurement system. I am looking at job scheduled in REC def to process a file from pyxis. I am trying to figure out why there is a PO100 before run before and after RQ500. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

                    Ragu Raghavan
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                      RQ500 will create Requisitions. PO100 needs to be run to create Purchase Orders based on released requisitions. RQ500 will generate an output file, if there are errors, in the folder $LAWDIR/productline/hht
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                        I would question why there's a PO100 run prior too the RQ500.
                        Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
                        Kat V
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                          What are the parameters on the before/after PO100s? I kinda agree with Jon. Unless the idea is to make sure the RQ500s are on their own? In that case the first PO100 is to clear out "other/manual reqs" and then run the RQ500 and then PO100 - the second PO100 is then "only these orders"

                          Are the POs released both times?
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                            Ok, the parameters on the before PO100s are as follows:
                            Release  purchase orders = Y
                            report level = D
                            vendor option = I
                            Vendor, purchase from = 1 (XXX Hospital Supply).

                            second po100
                            Release  purchase orders = N
                            report level = D
                            vendor option = I
                            Vendor, purchase from = space (I guess all the vendors).


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                              According to last programmer's notes: There are two end results to this job, POs to XXX hospital and picklists all for the Pyxis machines

                              After RQ500 run


                              release purchase = Y

                              Vendor, puchase from = 1 (XXX Hospital Supply)

                              second PO100, same parameters



                              Veteran Member
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                                I looks like kinda what Kat said. The intent is to seperate your Pyxis orders from the other orders going to XXX Hospital Supply. The first PO100 cleans out PO23 of all lines from other departments going to that vendor and RQ500 then creates the Pyxis lines and the second PO100 moves those to a seperate PO.
                                Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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