RQC From Location

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    I was playing around with RQC, testing some things for our security team, when I discovered that I can't edit the lines/items in RQC to adjust the From Company and/or From Location.

    Example:  If I want Item 1 to be shipped to Location A, and Item 2 to be shipped to Location B, there is no easy way to do this at the line level in RQC.  In order to do so, I have to set my From Company and From Location (both are required fields) to Location A, then add Item 1.

    Then, go back to the header in RQC, adjust the From Location to be Location B and then add Item 2.


    In RQ10, you are able to do this at the line level as they are selectable fields.  But, in RQC, they are not selectable/editable fields at the line level.


    Here's the kicker:  I spoke with Infor Support and my work around I mentioned above (set the location at the header, add item 1, change location at header, add item 2) is actually a BUG.  The support analyst said that I should not be able to do that in RQC as once you add a line in RQ10, you aren't able to adjust the header From Location in RQ10.  I confirmed that he was right.


    I'm attaching a screenshot of RQC showing the Line Detail where the Deliver From Company and Deliver From Location (which is the IC02.1 Location) as non-selectable.


    So, my question (I guess) is has anyone ever ran into this?  Does anyone ever have the need to have items shipped to multiple locations on one requisition/PO?  If so, have you tried this with RQC?


    Kat V
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 1020
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      This is not a bug to us - it is a feature. Why would you want end users to mess with from company and from location without changing req loc?
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      Posts: 129
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        Because we may have the possibility of ordering things en masse and having them shipped to various places.
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 1163
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          I think for scenarios like this it's easier to use RQ10. Start with the first req and then add the next, changing the req loc, quantities, etc. as you go. Then all the reqs with the same From Loc can be combined on one PO and when received the delivery tickets will print for each req loc. And honestly, I would probably enter the reqs for the end user myself instead of teaching them how because unless this comes up on a regular basis (or the end user is particularly Lawson savvy) they'll just forget how and you'll be teaching them again each time.
          Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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