Select Product Line in RQC URL

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Rick Pearl
Basic Member
Posts: 8
Basic Member
    RQC starts up in the product line set in the users RM record.  Is there a way to switch product lines in RQC like in portal or via the URL?
    John Henley
    Posts: 3353
      No, it is hard-coded to use the product line set in the user's RM record.
      Thanks for using the forums!
      Robert Spurr
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 130
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        I guess I would start with why would you need to do this? I've had a need to change requester's and if that is what you are really striving to do make sure to set the flag in the config file and then you can use something similar to the following (var vURL = "/rqc/html/index.htm?newreq=true&requester=" + newRequester if you are scripting in design studio or if it is a straight bookmark (/rqc/html/index.htm?newreq=true&requester={newRequesterID}). As far as I know there is no way to directly override what product line RQC points to.
        Rick Pearl
        Basic Member
        Posts: 8
        Basic Member
          The reasoning behind this is that we are doing user RQC training in the TEST product line.  After the users are out of class, they can practice in the SANDBOX product line.  We don't really want the user to have to go into portal to switch product lines.

          It looks like there is no way around having them do that.

          In portal, the current product line is shown as part of the Welcome
          Greg Moeller
          Veteran Member
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            If it's truly on the TEST system, why not just change the applicable users RM record? You can then set it back at a later date when the users are done.
            Greg Moeller
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              Oooohh.. sorry. I mis-read/mis-interpreted the latest post. TEST PL and SANDBOX PL, both i the TEST environment... Ignore my previous post.
              Veteran Member
              Posts: 1162
              Veteran Member
                When we first implemented we had a TRAIN pl and a TEST pl on our test box. We had built 15 generic training user ids for RSS training. If a user needed to get into TEST they would log in with their regular id tied to their AD account.
                Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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