Single Doc to PO by Vendor

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    We have been struggling with getting our reqs for particular vendors to not combine to one PO. We have finally figured out that the vendor must be entered on the req header in order for the system to look at PO10.1 settings. We do not have the vendor on the header because we have many instances where users enter multiple vendor items on one req.

    Is there a way that we can use single doc to a PO based on the vendor that is entered on the line of the req?
    Lawson told me there is no way to do this and I should put in an enhancement request.  I'm hoping someone has figured out a way to do it.

    Thank you!

    Michelle Wetzel
    Veteran Member
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      I'm not sure I fully understand your issue. We have requesters that enter requests for more than one vendor but haven't had an issue with it pulling to one PO. Our buyers use PO23 and filter by the vendor as they are pulling special orders.

      Our nonstock numbers are already precoded on the vendor agreements and we have single doc to a PO setup so that if an end user enters a request for multiple vendors, the system runs through and assigns POs to each different vendor on the requisition when PO100 is run (hourly job).

      Can you explain more?

      Kat V
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 1020
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        You can also tell the location to be 1 to 1 on RQ01. Would that help? We have a special req loc for our bill onlys and it batches one req to PO even if they key in 5 reqs for S&N Ortho - they get 5 POs. The PO10 for Stryker Ortho isn't set at all.
        Veteran Member
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          An example of this problem is our engineering dept which uses CENG for the req location. So, if they put in 5 different reqs for vendor A, we want to have 5 unique POs. If they put in 5 reqs for vendor B, we want them to go on 1 PO. So, we set the flag on PO10 for vendor A to be single doc to a PO and for vendor B, it is not set that way. PO10 single doc to a PO does not get respected for vendor A and we end up with 1 PO. We have the vendor on the line of the req.

          Thanks for your responses. I didn't get emailed when you responded so am late in replying.
          Kat V
          Veteran Member
          Posts: 1020
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            Have you looked at PO01.4?
            It's "out of the box" setting is PO10.2 then PO10.1 THEN RQ01 and lastly IC12.

            If you make Vendor Purch From Loc a higher priority than Requesting Location then the flag on PO10.2 override the RQ01. If you only have PO Vendor - then Purch From needs to be blank on the req to work?

            So if PO01.4 Vendor 1 Purch From 2 and Req Loc 3 (I think your PO10.2 or lack thereof is possibly contributing, try populating)
            Then RQ01 for CENG = No Default
            PO10.2 for Vendor A = 1
            PO10.2 for Vendor B = No Default

            What happens? That should be your scenario - the 5 reqs for Vendor A become 5 POs and Vendor B is 1 PO. If not, I would report it into Infor.