Status 500 error on PO20 & PO23

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    We are at 9.0 env & 8.0.3 apps.

    I have a few users that complain about  the performance on PO20 & PO23 forms on the portal a lot.

    They keep getting "Status 500: The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fullfilling the request".

    This happens when they do data-entry on these forms. Usually they hit the cancel button, type their id & pw and try it again. Some times they are able to get in; some times they can't.

    Any thoughts about how to fix this error?

    Thanks in advance.
    Basic Member
    Posts: 4
    Basic Member
      Hi did anyone getting a resolution to this? We are in test doing some addins and trying to update some of the test data (AC10 - to enable my upload to function) in test which is fine in live but gives the error you mention when doing an inquire. This has been fine until today. Hopefully the gremlins will disappear overnight?!