We are looking to mass upload new hires into GHR. Has anyone done this? I am thinking we need to create a process flow to upload from files submitted to us. Probably should have separate files for Employee, EmployeeContact, EmployeeAddress, WorkAssignment. Is anyone else doing this? Should we be looking at something other than process flow? Any tables that I am missing and should consider?
Hello Beth -
we are looking to use spreadsheet designer to upload mass new hires, would you mind sharing the template you use? We just recently moved away from S3 and are trying to find a work around for new hires until TA is up and running.
Gina, I am trying to perform the same type of action in GHR of uploading several employees using IPA.
My email is: rfrench5@gmail.com. Can you please contact me at that email address to discuss that process?
Thanks very much for your assistance.
Good Morning -
I created the attached template which worked for me, you will have to tinker with it to match your defined data sets.