Multiple life insurance plans that need to share the same cap

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Ragu Raghavan
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    There was a posting on this subject by Sandy B. For some reason, I am unable to reply to that thread. So creating a new one.

    "We have 1x's your sal the company pays at a flat rate, then you can opt for 2x's your sal at the low fixed rate, or 3x's your salary whihc will use the age/rate table or 4x's your sal using the age rate table. All 4 tiers need to use an overall cap of 800k. Any one trying to do something similar? how can we set this up to share the same max? "

    At a client site, they had company provided basic life and optional life.
    The coverage amount for optional life was x times salary less the coverage amount provide by basic life.
    Based on the consultant’s recommendation, we put in some custom code in the library bnpdlib/BNCV70PD. This was on 8.1 apps.
    Deductions, pay codes and LP accruals have nice user exits, where you can put custom code independent of the Lawson code. Unfortunately, the BN coverage does not seem have a user exit. So we had to modify the Lawson code.
    Once you decide on custom code, you can do pretty much anything including establishing caps. What we did was code logic for these optional plans, and calculated the BNCVWS-COVER-AMT based on client’s specifications. In the routine 7000-DO-COV-AMOUNTS, call this custom logic for the specified plans.
    You do need 4GL programming expertise for this. You will also need somebody who knows the BN process well enough to help with the testing and sign off, since this routine kicks in on quite a few of the BN programs (BN31, BN100 series etc.).
    Sandy B
    New Member
    Posts: 2
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      Thanks for the information, and that was our fear...that we would need to create custom code for it. Was sort of hoping there was a way in plan configuration to achieve that.
      Shelley C
      Basic Member
      Posts: 5
      Basic Member
        It would take a custom calc to do this automatically. I am a few clients who have chosen to create an auto report to catch any totals over limit and manually correct. Im most of these cases, coverage and elections for life insurance only change once a year or with new hires or life events, and few actually exceed their total limit, so they found by running an audit as part of their benefit updates, that list any employee coverage in excess of the combined limit, allows them to manually make the correction prior to pay cycle processing.