Forum: Lawson S3 HR/Payroll/Benefits

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How does everyone handle Direct deposit changes through ESS?    

Started By  TBonney
Our payroll department has raised the question as to whether or not we should allow only new Direct Deposit account set ups, or both set ups and changes through ESS. Apparently they are not 100 comfortable with allowing employees to add new accounts for Direct deposit, but they are ok with allowing changes to existing accounts. I'm not in Finance so I was not sure of their rationale. Therefore, I thought I'd pose the question here to see if anyone else allows new accounts to be added through...
7 5010 2
by  LisaNJump to last post
7/14/2010 8:36 PM

Dependent Age Maximum    

Started By  Kelly H
Currently we do not have a dependent or student age maximum on any of our plans. (We use an outside vendor for online benefit enrollment.) We do run a self created report to audit for students over 25 or non-students over 19. if we find any then we manually remove them and run a custom job to add them to the BN70 for COBRA. We were hoping to add the maximums for students and dependents to the BN17.1. I did this, then added a new eff date for the 17.2 and ran the BN105. It did not chang...
7 4027 2
by  DawnLJump to last post
7/22/2010 12:54 PM

Position Code Format    

Started By  Dorian Cosmedy
I am HRIS manager for two companies that recently merged. Thankfully, both companies used Lawson HR/Payroll, so it was a matter of combining tables/codes and deciding on common pay practices. Each company had a unique method of formatting their position codes and we did not change them when merging, so now our position codes are a mixture of both. We now want to change them to a common format, and this gives us the opportunity to avoid some of the issues that both companies experienced with o...
3 3349 1
by  Wendy HJump to last post
7/8/2010 1:49 PM

ESS Status Changes    

Started By  DawnL
We currently have ESS for new hire and open enrollment. Status changes and life events are handled manually by benefits staff. When an employee is hired, a report is run which populates a BN Date field for when an employee can enroll via ESS. It is the first of the month following one month of employment for full time and the first of the month following one year for our part time 1000 employees. Our dilemma is that we have had two instances of part time 1000 employees being changed to...
3048 0
by  DawnLJump to last post
7/8/2010 4:05 PM

Canadian Tax Error    

Started By  RachelM
We have employees in USA and Canada. We have one company, but two process levels - one for USA and one for Canada. Job codes are also specific to the country in which you work. We are trying to complete the pre-hire on PA52.4 for a Canadian hire, but keep getting the error message 'Tax Province required when work country = CA'. I'm at a loss here. It looks like we set up the necessary tax information (note: we do not use Lawson payroll or BSI), workers comp info, position codes/pay ...
1 2904 0
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
7/8/2010 3:46 PM

Consultants not Employee need to approve timecard EMSS    

Started By  TRACY
We have a consultant that will not be paid thru out Lawson system and is not a 'employee'. HR needs him to be able to approve timecards for 8 employees. Any ideas on how to give him a User ID without hiring him
1 3109 1
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
7/10/2010 5:36 PM

ESS Life Events    

Started By  gamole
We are testing to possibly use ESS in particular for benefits. However, the Life Events section only has 7 categories. Does anybody have any sugguestions on how to use more defined life events (Death, Court Order, etc.) categories without customizing Thanks! Jerry
1 3168 1
by  Sumanth JJump to last post
7/12/2010 5:24 PM


Started By  Vijay S
I am currently analyzing java script code for Benannenrol.htm there is function-- funcNm='getNHRules()' which should trigger as the page loads ,I looked for getNHRules() in the script but i couldn't find it in the page What does it mean
2 2852 0
by  Sumanth JJump to last post
7/12/2010 4:33 PM

Reversing payment drill sort order in EMSS on 8.03 apps    

Started By  Joe O'Toole
Our direct report payments are displaying from old to new in MSS so managers have to scroll through many pages to get to a recent payment for an employee. I thought there was an old thread on this but cannot locate it. Does anyone have it Also seem to remember hearing this was fixed in 8.1 / 9.X but that won't help me for a while. Thanks.
0 2995 0
7/12/2010 9:12 PM

Employee Groups    

Started By  Wendy H
I'm trying to do some employee group maintenance. I know about HR255 to get a list of the employees within the group. However I want to know where each employee group is used in the system, (Benefit plans, Absence plans, etc.) Does anyone know of a Lawson report to get this information Thanks, Wendy
4 3420 0
by  Wendy HJump to last post
7/14/2010 2:05 PM

ESS Life Event-Benefit Enrollment Not Completed    

Started By  rmhooper
We are in the process of implementing Life Events. I've noticed that when benefit enrollment is performed along with a Life Event that if you chose not to keep the elections (cancel from update screen) then the following message is returned. 'If you choose to keep these benefits and you want to make additional changes.......If you are not sure of the elections you made, select cancel and then choose exit...You can then use the Web Enrollment process when you have made your final decision'. Bu...
0 3249 1
7/14/2010 4:49 PM

McKesson Horizon Homecare - Payroll module    

Started By  Deleted User
Anyone using the McKesson Horizon Homecare - Payroll module We have a business need to interface worked hours from a 3rd party system to Lawson to pay Home Health Care associates. Please contact me at or reply to this post if you have implemented or researched this subject before.
0 4132 1
7/14/2010 10:26 PM

Payroll Stub    

Started By  Deleted User
is there a way to send a copy of an employee's payroll stub electronically to their email address
6 14320 0
by  kyle hJump to last post
8/2/2010 1:19 PM

LP Accruals and Minimum Time Records    

Started By  Deleted User
During our LP migration from TA we have noticed that employees are not required to have any time records to accrue leave (the opposite from TA). So employees on an unpaid leave status are still accruing leave. Now we have to build a calculation on lp07 to figure in minimum hours by pay code to allow/not allow employees to accrue leave. Has anyone else run into this problem We are looking for an example, or description, of the calculation. Thanks in advance to any postings.
4336 1
by  Ray WagnerJump to last post
8/2/2010 12:36 PM

Inactive Dependents    

Started By  DawnL
We currently have dependents that are no longer eligible for benefits in an inactive status. This was done when we rolled out ESS open enrollment so non eligible dependents would not show. Now with the change in age to 26 and no longer student status needed, does anyone know what will happen if an employee adds a dependent during open enrollment through ESS that is aleady in Lawson on HR13 but in an inactive status Thank you.
2 3318 0
by  JwiffJump to last post
8/2/2010 6:15 PM

BSI Cyclic O and JT 146517    

Started By  Deleted User
I realize that the BSI Cyclic is mandator and we will be putting that in, but if we are not even using Arizona payroll, would we have to put in the JT 146517 that lawson wrote to go with the BSI cyclic. This JT is bundled (of course) with a million other patches and the info file is 267 pages. We really do not want to have to stop and do a bunch of functional testing for something that is not necessary. Any one out there tried doing BSI cyclic O w/o the corresponding JT from lawson
2 3116 1
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
7/23/2010 1:51 PM

Drill from GL90 to payment information LS9 security    

Started By  Margie Gyurisin
We are implementing LS9 security and are looking for a way to provide drill around access to payment information for users from GL90. We have given access to PRDISTRIB, PRTIME and PAYMASTER but the payroll link does not appear. Can someone point us in the right directions Thanks in advance.
5 3459 1
by  Margie GyurisinJump to last post
8/2/2010 7:55 PM

Common Paymaster in FL and unemployment reporting    

Started By  Deleted User
We are trying to have the PR292 generate the XML unemployment file, but since we are a common paymaster the program produces incorrect format for FL unemployment reporting agency. Anyone else having this issue TIA Jeff
4650 0
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
8/10/2010 8:21 AM

Web Time Entry: Print Card function issue    

Started By  vs
When we use 'Print Card' function in Web Time Entry, it prints a card with daily hours first then shows details of daily hours. The problem is that it then adds up those hours and shows double the hours. e.g. Jan 21st has 5 hours for Paycode 10 and 3 hours for paycode 2, the Print Card shows 8 5 3 = 16 hours. Anyone had this probelm And how do we fix it Thanks for your help in advance.
0 3298 0
7/28/2010 8:08 PM

Dependent Verification    

Started By  Carl Gifford
Our Benefits department implemented a dependent validation with a external third party vendor. After hundreds of hours of development, we were able to provide the vendor with dependent information to verify and then take the file they provided and update benefit coverage if their dependent was not verified. They have now decided that they want to validate the dependent PRIOR to allowing them to enroll in this benefit, but still want them to be able to use the enrollment functionality in Law...
0 3860 2
7/29/2010 2:25 AM

History Report    

Started By  gamole
Does anybody know a generic process to run a report out of Lawson to capture history (i.e. information from a ceratin date in time) Thanks!
4 3414 1
by  gamoleJump to last post
8/5/2010 8:19 PM

LP02 Rounding    

Started By  Ellen Rust
We are just beginning our LP Setup and we are having an issue with the Rounding function on LP02.1. We pro-rate our Sick and Vacation time the first year an employee is eligible, but allow them to have the pro-rated total up front. Every year after that is a straight up front allotment at the beginning of the year. Example: EE is hired in June and gets 7/12 of 40 hours. The plan is set up to allot 1/12 per month from the employee's start date and we run the LP140 with an end of year d...
0 3847 1
8/4/2010 3:10 PM

Is ESS Employee Phone Book Filtered?    

Started By  TBonney
Is anyone familiar with usage of the Employee Phone Book task within Employee Self Service It appears as though this feature filters the return results by company, status, etc. I had thought this task was intended to provide information on ALL employees, but it appears as though it only displays employees from the same Payroll/HR company as the employee doing the search. I don't mind it filtering out inactive employees, but it seems to defeat the purpose of an organization-wide employee list...
1 2780 1
by  TBonneyJump to last post
8/12/2010 1:27 PM

Lawson HR integration with CA r 12.5    

Started By  Pegasus
Hi guys, I am new to lawson, i needed to integrate Lawson HR with CA r 12, is there any api which can be used to acheive this i came to know the Mass - loading user methid in which xml is used to create users in Lawson. Is this the only way i can integrate Please provide your suggestions. Regards Pegasus
0 3555 1
8/13/2010 9:09 AM

New company or process levels within existing?    

Started By  abassett
We are adding 4 small 'companies' to our exisiting Lawson population. We were planning to set up 1 new company (because that has been the practice) with 4 process levels, but I wonder if that makes sense. All 4 of these new groups are actually part of the existing Company 1 organization and each has a separate tax id. Any thoughts on pros/cons of creating/not creating a new company for this Thanks for any input!
2794 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
8/13/2010 5:20 PM
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