Hello all, hope somebody can help me with a question. We are pretty new to the Lawson software.
I need to create a HSA bank file to be sent to the bank with current pay period amounts. Would anybody know what table(s) that I can pull that data from. I looked at theses tables but did not find the values that are printed on the PR140 Earnings and Deductions Calc. report.
I thought I could just pull the deduction (DED_CODE) from the PAYDEDUCTN, but that looks to be a YTD value. I need the value for the payperiod.
Select * from dbo.PREMDEDHST
Select * from dbo.EMDEDMASTR
Select * from dbo.QUARTDED Select * from dbo.PRDEDDTL
Would PR197 have to be run before those values are available someplace.
I scanned the entire database for a given value, but did not find the entry on any field within the database,
Any help would sure be appreciated.