I'd like to solicit votes for an enhancement request I just entered. Thanks for your help in making the software better. You need to log into Infor Communities http://www.inforcommuniti...ndex.php?mo=is&op=su Select Enhancement Requests, Infor Human Capital Management, View Request and find #30888, open it and scroll to the bottom and enter your vote. Here is the issue We would like the PR197 to, at least, use period end date as one of the levels for summing transactions in the PRDISTRIB file in addition to the levels that exist today. The PRDISTRIB file is very important to our organization because of the many payroll distributions we have on the PR23. We would like the information to be as accurate as possible without creating additional work for our staff members.
We recently discovered that if you pay someone a retro amount using a paycode that also exists in the current pay period on the same payment, the PR197 will record the transacation with the earlier period end date.We do not wish to create multiple payments nor do we want to create many retro pay codes to mirror existing ones.
I am going to upload a file showing an example of how the data is currently stored.