Multiple Supervisors over the same position

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    Has anybody got any positions where there are enough employees in that position that there are multiple supervisors for the position, within the same department?

    We have departments where employees in the same position may actually have different direct supervisors, but their HR11 Supervisor field is incorrect because only one supervisor can be assigned to the position in both PA02 and HR07.

    Knowing that the employee-to-supervisor ratio is only 1-to1, how have people gotten around a situation like this? I can't imagine we're the only ones to encounter this, so I just wondered how other folks have handled it.

    Thanks for any insight anyone might provide.

    Beate Hughes-Brown
    Advanced Member
    Posts: 30
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      Yes.  We have areas where we have one position type with multiple supervisors.  To clarify groups of employees in the same positoin have different supervisors  (many employees to one supervisor).  What we did is create a position code and then add what we call a "tie breaker" to the end.  So position code = technician"a", technicion "b", technician "c"   This creates multiple position codes with different supervisors.

      C59331TCHOFA  Position title:  TECH OFFICIAL   Supervisor = Joe

      C59331TCHOFD  Position title:  TECH OFFICIAL    Supervisor = Mary

      C59331TCHOFPosition title:  TECH OFFICIAL   Supervisor = Fred



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        Thank you Beate.