Forum: S3 Application Upgrades

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9.0 upgrade and Batch User Exit      

Started By  John Polito
Hello All, We are in the process of upgrading from 8.0.3 Apps to 9.0 Apps. We use a User Exit in our PR140, in 8.0.3 the module is in the PDLIB and now in the 9.0 apps it is in the PRPDLIB. The PR140 will not compile saying it can't the the PERFORM 2000-CSG-CUSTOM-DED. which is the main section in the user exit. When i do a pgmdef in production i see the user exit listed, but on the 9.0 development it isn't. To make a long question some what short, how do i get the PR140 t...
5 72488 0
by Chesca

Upgrade from 9.0.0 to 9.0.1      

Started By  Lisa Stewart
1) What is the normal upgrade time from 9.0.0 to 9.0.1 We have Pflow,LBI,EDI, MSCM and all Suites. Lots of reports and custom programs. 2) Is 9.0.1 the latest release for S3 3) Do you know when 9.0.0 will be decommissioned
4 70957 0
by Barry Ghotra

Upgrade testing plans      

Started By  dcaiani
We are getting ready for an environment upgrade and I am currious what other companies do for testing for both environment and apps upgrades. Do you use the same testing plan for both
2 72580 0
by Omran

Anyone upgrade to ESP yet?      

Started By  Natalie
Hi. Currently: ESP: Apps: 9.0.1 MSP3 OS: AIX 5.3 We are going to be upgrading to ESP and Apps 9.0.1 MSP6. Has anyone upgraded to How was it Any issues I know we have to be on WAS 7.0. Were there any other issues We are also looking to go up to AIX6.1 from 5.3. Any major PT's/CTP's needed Thanks, Natalie
12 73978 0
by RichardV

Apps upgrade 900-901 / UG990      

Started By  Wanderson Silva
I am performing an Apps upgrade from to on AIX with DB2. All update jobs for UG991 completed successfully but all UG990 jobs are in needs recovery. The examine log says that it could not find a database suitable driver, even having the required environment variables set. Any thoughts Thanks!
2 71573 0
by Judy Consoli

Migrate from db2 (9.0.0) to oracle (9.0.1)      

Started By  Lorena
Hi, We are currently using Lawson HR and Financial. We are at 9.0.0 using db2 database in Unix and we are planning to migrate from db2 to Oracle next year and go from 9.0.0 to 9.0.1. We have a lot of interfaces and customizations. An outside company is hosting our Lawson system and they told us that they will recompile everything and that the change will be transparent for us. Are the file names or field names changing Does someone has any experience with this Any he...
13 69609 0
by Greg Moeller

Lawson 7.x Documentation      

Started By  SP
Sorry for the x-post, but this is urgent. I'm looking for anyone out there who either has, or can point me to, Lawson 7.x documentation.  I'm mostly interested in the apps, but would like to look at whatever anyone has.
2 72747 0
by Huizong

Applications Upgrade - moving jobs/recurring jobs, jobsummaries and print files after upgrading      

Started By  Judy Consoli
Input from anyone upgrading Applications where source/target product line required. How did you move jobs, recurring jobs, job summaries, etc from Source pl to Targe pl at go-live
2 71624 0
by Judy Consoli

Lawson Application Upgrade 9.0.0 to 9.0.1      

Started By  Chris12
Does anyone have any detailed instructions on upgrading the Lawson applications from 9.0.0 to 9.0.1 that they would be willing to share ...... Thanks Chris
8 75455 0
by Barry Ghotra

Insight Infor10      

Started By  Greg Moeller
Just a couple quick questions- Does anyone know if Add-Ins and DesignStudio will continue to work with Infor10 I would imagine they would, but my PM wanted to be sure. Thanks in advance, -Greg
0 4968 0

Updates 901 MSP 6 & 7 & ESP 8 & 9 windows      

Started By  Deleted User
Considering updating our windows 901 system to add msp 6 & 7 and esp 8 & 9. We have HR/Payroll/Benefits & EMSS PFI and financials (ap/gl). We are still on laua. 1) Any issues experienced 2) Downfall of not adding these in this year 3) Looks like the PR160 ACH file is changed, any problems presented with that Thanks for any and all assisance!
3 71643 0
by Jimmy Chiu

Upgrade to 9.0.1 Workplan from 8.0.3 and 9.0.0      

Started By  Joni R
Does anyone have a workplan that you are willing to share concerning upgrading from 8.0.3/9.0.0 to 9.0.1  We are currently running HR as 8.0.3 and Procurement as 9.0.0 and will be upgrading to 9.0.1. Thanks, Joni
0 4540 0

9.0.0 to 9.0.1, How to handle Customizations?      

Started By  Demi
We are in the process of upgrading both our environment, from to; and our apps from to  Our LSF9 is also going from to And we’re upgrading Process flow from Professional to Services Automation.  We are running on a Windows platform; Server 2008 R2 (64). Lawson required independent servers for this upgrade, which has provided us an opportunity to learn a bit more.  I'm in a bit of a tizzy though, my background is heavy mainframe-cobol-isam and I'v...
2 71327 0
by Jimmy Chiu

Lawson Apps Upgrade to      

Started By  Shari
Hello all!  Our Lawson environment and applications are currently on old Windows 2003 (standard edition) servers (we have database, app and web on all different servers).  We've run in to a lot of performance issues due to the limitations of this OS (not to mention this OS is not supported by Lawson).  We are currently in the process of migrating to Windows 2008 R2 (64 bit) servers by doing a fresh install of all components (database, app and web) of the latest and greatest versions.  Realizing ...
3 71986 0
by Shari

Form transfer in LID      

Started By  Deleted User
We are upgrading from 8.1 application to 9.0.1 and 9.0 environment to 9.0.1.   Currently we are experiencing in our test environments, that the transfer, say to HR11 does not work in LID.  It is fine in Portal.  DOes anyone have an idea  I do know that a productline copy was done to create the test enviornments.  I suspect that is the culprit,  but am not sure why.
0 4655 0

Restart Upgrade?      

Started By  Shari
Hello all!  We successfully upgrade our windows/sql environment from to recently.  I'm working this weekend to upgrade our applications to from  I was able to do this successfully in our test environment.  I installed the DPP programs successfully.  Trying to start the lawappinstall update - but when I first keyed in the decryption key I mis=keyed it.  How do I restart the update  If I restart the lawappinstall update again - Lawson tells me the previous install...
2 71393 0
by Shari

Upgrading LSF9 v9007 to latest LSF9 version      

Started By  Aboufariss AJ
Greetings - We are running Env and App v9.0.0 PSP4 on AIX, Based on my provious upgrade, there were few items I had to prepare before the upgrade could take place, such as Oracle DB version has to be certified with the current LSF9, also AIX version has to be current. Lastly, not sure whether we can do Env. upgrade first, and then we can do App upgrade at later time, or do we need to apply both Env & App upgrades of the at the same time.. I am looking for answ...
0 4531 0

Blocking out Apinvoice number that is interfaced from payroll      

Started By  heather
On PR05 Lawson assigns an invoice number for garnishments which is the employee number plus more digits  On the drills i need to restrict that invoice number - any suggestion I have the comments blocked on anything that come from payroll.  I need this on all ap90 screens
1 72252 0
by Ragu Raghavan

LSF9 Security and Upgrade      

Started By  Greg Moeller
Anyone gone through this already We are a 'little' concerned about our existing LSF security and the impending upgrade to Infor10. Although we are a year or more away from go-live, with all of the added tables and fields (85 pages worth according to the doc), how do we ensure that we get everything correct  Do we have to again pay for the FastTrack version 10 security templates, and go from there.  If I remember correctly on our first upgrade to LSF security, it took us quit...
4 71830 0
by Roger French

Unix upgrade from 5.3 to 7.3      

Started By  Mick
Has anyone gone through the unix aix upgrade from 5.3 to 7.3. (Yes skipping 6.1) Looking for gotcha's, what all is reinstalled  Any details, the more the better. Thank you
0 4410 0

Query HINTS      

Started By  Ronald Grin
Some queries that Lawson generates include HINTS that adversely affect their performance. How does Lawson generate these HINTS, and is there any way to change the generated HINT for a particular query ... Database is Oracle 11gR2
1 71070 0
by Greg Moeller

LBI Server Migration      

Started By  Chris12
We are looking to migrate our LBI from a Windows 2003 (32) to Windows 2008 (64) .... Has anyone done this  If so, any pointers on the process (if there is one)......Thanks Chris
4 71280 0
by Alex Tsekhansky

Field length changes      

Started By  Greg Moeller
I know that the item description changes to like 150 character field with version 10.  Anyone aware of any bin name or bin description field length changes to go along with that Does the item number field change in length as well
1 71118 0
by Kat V

Server Requirements?      

Started By  Greg Moeller
We are looking at planning the upgrade to Infor 10. Currently: 2 Solaris Unix servers to host LSF (1 for LSF and 1 for Database) Windows servers for LBI and MSCM Moving forward we will implement IPA and possibly SmartOffice If we move forward with this plan, will we need a server for Landmark for IPA, AND one for SmartOffice AND one for Workspace, or can Workspace run on the Solaris servers under IHS where we have our current version of Portal. TIA, -Greg
5 70772 0
by Kwane McNeal

Upgrade OS V5R4 to V7R1 and LSF to      

Started By  KellyF
We will be doing our iSeries upgrade to the latest version of V7R1.  From our understanding, the S3 product must be also upgrade for it to function under this operationing system.  Therefore we plan to upgrade the LSF to which will get us ready to go to LSF 10.1.2 later. Will there be any major poblems that we have to know about this upgrade due  to the jump we planning to do  There was mention of Websphere and LDAP problems.  Will there be more problems that we should look out ...
2 70995 0
by KellyF
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