Forum: S3 Application Upgrades

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Compiling java upgrade programs      

Started By  Deleted User
I need to make a modification to one of the Java upgrade programs Lawson has provided for our 8.0.3 to upgrade.  However, I am finding I do not know how to even compile the original delivered program. I have tried issuing the 'javac' command, however, am receiving errors (see below).  It appears to me from reading the errors it can not import the package 'upgrade' on the first line which is causing the majority of these errors.  Can anyone provide any insight as to how I can ...
4 72079 0
by Ron Martinez

Print Job Parameters      

Started By  BrendaH
Looking for a way to run and save print job parameters report for all users rather than making screen shots for an upgrade to 9.0. Thanks.
3 31038 0
by Mark F. Hardy

8.0.3 to app upgrade      

Started By  Shasidhar Vemireddy
Need a breif outline document that has the various steps in brief to upgrade from 8.0.3 to app. we are currently on LSF Have a lot of custom tables, forms and programs.. is there a lot of manually work to recreate these componenents or is the upgrade process intelligent enought to not touch the custom componenents and upgrade the Lawson std componenets. I am just in initial info agthering phase. Any input is appreciated.
7 71766 0
by John Henley

Upgrade from 8.1 to 9.0.0 to 9.0.1      

Started By  Deleted User
Hello, Has anyone had to upgrade their version of Apps from 8.1 to 9.0.0 to 9.0.1 I am looking to hear back from anyone that has either done the 2 sets of upgrades (one right after the other) OR who has chosed to use the Lawson 'skip upgrade' option. I am looking for any input on the amount of time spent, the testing 'schemes' you used (did you do a round of testing inbetween the upgrades), and what sort of changes happened (database, portal set up, etc). Any information would be great! Th...
16 75798 0
by Greg Ward


Started By  Deleted User
On lsf9.0.0.7 and apps 8.1 in windows shop, upgrading to apps 9.0.0 We are told that all jobs have to have a unique name per environment, so when we install apps 9 into our prod enviro for testing, we have to RECREATE all of our jobs with new names. This is going to require a screen by screen parameter review and creation as i'm told. ( good times ) Our GL group is curious to know how this will affect their rw100 jobs and reports. There are about 22 RW100 jobs saved, but 100's of 'reports'. Wi...
1 71039 0
by Deleted User

Apps Upgrade 8.1.0 to 9.0.1      

Started By  MattD
Hello Gurus, We are performing an environment upgrade from 9.0.0 to 9.0.1 and an Apps upgrade from 8.1 to 9.0.1 (doing a two step upgrade all at once) and was looking for information on experiences with this upgrade.  At the same time we will be preforming an AIX upgrade (from 5.3 to 6.1), Tivoli upgrade (from 6.0 to 6.2 which also includes a DB2 upgrade to 9.5), and a Websphere Upgrade (from 6.1 to 7.1).  We are a Unix/Oracle shop with a Tivoli LDAP for Lawson.  I would like to know any proble...
3 67797 0
by Norm

9.0.1 upgrade with Win 2008 issue      

Started By  Deleted User
Our consultant has not found proper lawson documentation to do our 9.0.1 enviro upgrade with Windows 2008. He experienced trouble getting the IIS to work, so he is using the webserver: IBM webtool instead. We understand that this IBM webtool is certified to be used with UNIX, but not for windows. Lawson at this point is saying o.k. to continue on this path since it is working. Any experience out there on this Could we hit issues as he loads on our 9.0.1 application or at some other point. I wo...
1 70088 0
by Jimmy Chiu

KNDEF for 9.0.1 Apps      

Started By  Lee
We are installing the 9.0.1 applications and doing the upgrade from 8.0.3; we have 2 kndef 's that are not available via normal channels and would like to add them (even though we don't use them - it does not allow 2 screens to finish their compile):  pty , TRN They appear to be part of ED05 and ED90 : Line     54: Fld Error: Key Number Does Not Exist (ED05) Line     61: Fld Error: Key Number Does Not Exist (ED90) Thanks!
3 70754 0
by Vijay S

S3 Application Upgrade      

Started By  sureshk
Hello all... We are working on a upgrade tasks for a client.  The application upgrade is from 8 to 9. we are in processing of preparing a questionaire to understand their current system and also planning to include questions related to LBI, portal, workflow etc., Is there any standard questionaire which can be used to do the analysis or any thing of such kind  If so...any details on this would be of great help to us.... Many thanks in advance.   Suresh
2 70579 0
by Ganesh R

Data Areas and Application Upgrades      

Started By  DavidG
If you are using data areas in the true sense of the word (One set of application programs, with several sets of data sharing those programs), how does the application upgrade process work  In other words, do you have to run the upgrade programs for each data area
3 70696 0
by Jimmy Chiu

Upgrade to 9.0.1 - Impact on PR198      

Started By  Jodi Kruesel
We are testing our upgrade to 9.0.1. We have encountered an issue with PR198. Our process has been to run PR198 at the end of each month, we then have a mainframe job that uses that data to pass information to our accounting area. We are in the second phase of parallel testing and have discovered that PR198 in 9.0.1 is not picking up transactions that were ran through PR197 prior to the conversion. It looks like the PRDISTRIB statuses work differently. Did anyone encouoter this type o...
1 70810 0
by Jimmy Chiu

application upgrades slowing down?      

Started By  BrianP
in Feb. 2006 we saw 9.0.0 and in May 2008 we saw 9.0.1... At CUE this year neither a new cyclical nor a new release was revealed. Is Lawson slowing down to let clients catch up or is it too early to tell
1 68633 0
by mark.cook

DB changes - 9.0.0 to 9.0.1 upgrade      

Started By  Lorena
Hi, We are planning to upgrade from 9.0.0 to 9.0.1 next year and I am researching on DB changes between 9.0.0 and 9.0.1. I could not find anything in Lawson KB. Did someone find any documents with information about it Thanks, Lorena.
4 74210 1
by Annie Choquette

Iseries Upgrading from options      

Started By  Deleted User
Hi; We are currently on and would like to upgrade to . Has anyone done this yet If so, what should we be looking out for We are on V5R4 on the Iseries. Also, has anyone gone from 9.0.0.x to 9.0.1 on the Iseries Thanks in advance.
9 73976 0
by DanaB

Lawson Apps 9 msp5 to Apps 9 msp7 - any gotchas?      

Started By  Deleted User
We are planning an environment upgrade from Lawson Apps 9 msp5 to Apps 9 msp7 - are there any gotchas I'm wanting to network with anyone who has applied this MSP to your Lawson 9 Unix system on an Oracle data base. 100 of our end users are on Portal and we are using Lawson security; example check LS = Yes. We use ESS/MSS/RSS, PF (not pfi), EDI, LBI v902, and MSCM. Send me a note if you have any insight.
2 69657 0
by mark.cook

Lawson 9.0.1 MSP 5 (from 3) / ESP 7 (from 5) on Win 2008 - How Tough?      

Started By  Deleted User
Not sure if we want to tackle this ourselves or hire a consultant to assist. MSP 5 (from 3) / ESP 7 (from 5) on Win 2008 In addition we'll be moving from BSI 8 to BSI 9. Anyone accomplished this Is it manageable Did anyone get consultant to do Any advise would be helpful, we have ONE window of opportunity for our business users to test each year and this year we will be tackling the MSP's for our first time.
1 70999 0
by Roger French

CTP Notifications      

Started By  Pam Brattleaf
Looking for advice or Procedures for applying Application patches. Since we receive notifications on a weekly basis, it would take a full time person just to read through and apply these patches. Was thinking of applying the annual MSP and then only applying CTPs when something is actually broken.
1 70490 0
by John Henley

Upgrade 9.0.1 msp2 to msp5      

Started By  Greg Moeller
We are going soon to 901 msp 5. I've seen a post in here about only needing 4 or 5 ctps on top of that to provide a relatively stable app experience, but I can't seem to locate it. Was wondering if someone could give me the ctp numbers Thanks much in advance, -Greg
3 69814 0
by Greg Moeller

Licensing Issue during MSP upgrade      

Started By  Deleted User
We are in the middle of an MSP upgrade from 9.0.0 MSP 4 applications to 9.0.1 MSP 4 applications. During this process, we’ve run into a licensing issue. Our licensing changed at some point to where some HR related modules aren’t included in our licensing, but we still have these modules. So, when I applied the new license that Lawson gave us, I've run into subsequent issues with those HR modules that still exist within our infrastructure. Some steps that have been done so far including manu...
0 4599 0

how to apply 387 post patches to msp      

Started By  Deleted User
We have consultant doing our MSP5 on 901 and there appear to be 387 post patches to HR & FIN (from lawson support CTP page). I took out all of those that had an MSP in that column and 387 appear to need to be downloaded. Our consultant said that it takes 1-3 hours PER patch. How do other do this, we'd like to be up-to-date on all patches for once and not just get MSP5. I realized that if we took a few of the latest patches in these suites, we'd get close since often times the patc...
8 71328 0
by Greg Moeller

Installing Data Promotion Programs      

Started By  Ron Martinez
Confirm understanding of Data Promotion Program install process. Steps to upgrade Systemi 9.0.0 data to 9.0.1 1. Copy data from source 9.0.0 system 2. Save data to target 9.0.1 system 3. Run data promotion programs to upgrade 9.0.0 data to 9.0.1 version If I am missing anything in this simplistic description, please clarify. Thanks
1 67111 0
by Ron Martinez

MSP upgrade from to on Windows Server 2003 R2      

Started By  Luke Sarro
We are on a Windows Server 2003 R2 platform and just recently upgraded our test environment to ESP I would like to know how much time would be involved in upgrading to MSP from We have some time constraints so I'm just trying to determine if we should do it now or later in the year when we're not so constrained. How difficult is the process as I'm fairly new to the world of Lawson and never performed an MSP upgrade
0 4117 0

PA02 errors after upgrade to 9.01      

Started By  Deleted User
I have come across an issue this morning with PA02 in Build.  I am not able to immediately update via either change or add.  All updates return the “updates incomplete” message.  When I run PA102 they update fine. Has anyone else seen this happen
1 69437 0
by Jimmy Chiu

Apps to 9.01.6 Upgrade      

Started By  Preston Burdwell
I am receiving the following errors after srgen attempts to run whil running the DPP programs: Line 5062: Form Field Name 'MATRIX-CAT-GNM' Not Found In 'DEFINE SCRFLDS' Line 5071: Form Field Name 'MATRIX-CAT-GNM' Not Found In 'DEFINE SCRFLDS' Line 5082: Form Field Name 'MATRIX-CAT-GNM' Not Found In 'DEFINE SCRFLDS' Line 8378: Form Field 'MAINT-DATE-HEADER' Not Defined Line 8378: Form Field 'MAINT-TIME-HEADER' Not Defined Line 8379: Must Fill Out All Index Fields In KEYRNG An...
0 4634 0

9.0.0 to 9.0.1 Upgrade using LUU/cygwin      

Started By  msjmg111
We are about to embark on a to upgrade and can forgo using MKS toolkit and use LUU and CYGWIN.  Has anyone done this type of upgrade  If so, how did it go  Any issues  One of the manuals was just updated in August of 2011 and that kind of 'newness' makes a sys admin a bit nervous.
10 72664 0
by msjmg111
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