Forum: S3 Customization/Development

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Started By  Deleted User
I rngdbdumped my Portal bookmarks from our current 8.03 to a csv. Now, I need to load them via LO920 to the new LSF9.0  Has anyone completed this Any pointers We do have several Custom bookmarks in our 8.03 - (any specific layout or example csv file would be great!) FYI: We are remote hosted - so I do not have command line functionality yet.
6 6220 2
by  Barry GhotraJump to last post
6/7/2008 9:11 PM

.dtl File Error: Bad Screen Rules    

Started By  srikanth
Hi all,   I am getting the following errow while running a custom program. I am getting my output correctly but the examine log has this error. .dtl File Error: Bad Screen Rules I checked the .sr and .or  files, they are empty.  And the program doesnt need any screen rules.. any help Regards, Srikanth K
2 5407 1
by  srikanthJump to last post
3/7/2008 4:22 AM

Example of using Lawson Filters?    

Started By  Karl Kemp
Was wondering if anyone had an example they would like to share of using the Lawson API's to do Index Filtering ala 890 INDEX FILTER API's What I am trying to do in an online inquiry app is to provide the user with the ability to look up an item via the vendor item description where the user may only know part of what the actual description would be. As an example, a simple oracle sql query where the user might know that the description contained 'BAT' would be: select * from itemmast where v...
3 4929 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
3/10/2008 1:39 PM

Use of XML for fetching records from Database    

Started By  Sameer
Hi All I want to make a call to database using XML(CGI Call) instead of DME. Please explain me with an suitable example. Sameer
0 4928 0
3/10/2008 9:18 AM

deduction (PR05) calculation type X    

Started By  Phil Simon
Hello Does anyone out there know where the code to these custom calc's is stored in the dB and/or environment  Thanks.
2 4652 1
by  Phil SimonJump to last post
3/10/2008 6:47 PM

webuser IN 9.0    

Started By  Sam Simpson
I'm just beginning to test LSF9 and I one of my custom cobol program is using WEBUSER,  SIRDIDHDR in logan. The program does not compile because above files are now gone in logan but they are now located in LDAP. I used WEBUSER because this is the only place that have an accurate maintenance of email addresses as compared to EMPLOYEE table. Is there another table that I can use in my 4GL so I can maintain email addresses.   Thanks   Sam
2 5007 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
3/11/2008 10:19 PM

Processflow AGS query using custom form    

Started By  Roger French
Trying to test an AGS query in Processflow 9.0 with a custom form (RQPR) I created (a simple paintscreen in REQHEADER).  Created it in pgmdef, the run type us 4GL, tried both 'In Production' values of None and Unix. I have full rights to the form using my laua security class. We're not using LSF9 security yet. Using AIX in 9.0 environment with 8.03.11 apps. Here is the API call I'm testing. It works fine within LID. I tried both RQPR.1 and RQPR to no avail. _PDL=PROD8X&_TKN=RQPR.1&_EVT=CHG&_RT...
2 5450 0
by  Roger FrenchJump to last post
4/2/2008 2:57 PM

119 Name is not unique (binding symbol 'mfini')    

Started By  srikanth
Hello,   I am getting the following error while running one of our custom batch update program.  Execution error : file 'mfini'                 error code: 119, pc=0, call=1, seg=0                 119     Name is not unique (binding symbol 'mfini')                 File GEN/USERRPT.                 tsCloseDBFile error is Operation illegal while in transaction (20).   Not able to figure out what the problem is Any help on this please
1 12809 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
4/10/2008 11:38 AM

need to force a program into job waiting...    

Started By  johne
i want to be able to force a program to go into a 'needs recovery' mode... anyone have any insight into the best way to handle this i've can't just set the ws-return-code to 2 & 'go to 1000-end' because the compiler doesn't like it if you try to go to a label in a section outside of the section you are currently in; i've tried 'STOP RUN.' as a line command,   lawson compiler doesn't like that one either. anyone done this before i'm trying to come up w/ a standardized routine that i can st...
3 5716 1
by  johneJump to last post
4/15/2008 7:03 PM


Started By  Sam Simpson
I thought I've seen this or not really sure if this is possible.   I am in the process of collecting data on which cobol work files has a csv file defined.   Can I use something like rngdbdump or metadump utility to list all workfiles   Appreciate any help   Sam Simpson
2 5542 0
by  Sam SimpsonJump to last post
4/15/2008 5:21 PM

Accessing Lawson DME from an external app    

Started By  rc
I have been successful in sending a URL (pasted below) to the Lawson DME and having it return an XML or CSV file to a web browser. I can embed the username and password in the URL to bypass the SSO login screen, however, when I try the same URL using my downloaded http_get.c program it returns the SSO login screen. Anyone have any suggestions is there some http options/settings I need to change Does the web browser do something magical that I cannot in my C program http://ServerName/sso/SSOS...
6 11032 2
by  John HenleyJump to last post
5/30/2008 7:01 PM

ACH tape file - PR160    

Started By  Lorena
I need to reformat the ACH tape file that it is produced by the PR160. I created a custom program that will run after the PR160 and reformat the tape file. The location of the tape file after the PR160 is completed is $LAWDIR/print/username/jobname/1/ My custom program is reading the tape file from $LAWDIR/productline/work directory (I am moving it manually). My question is: How can my custom program reads the tape file from $LAWDIR/print/username/jobname/1/ (username and jobname changes in ...
2 9448 2
by  Tim AutryJump to last post
5/23/2008 3:13 PM

Benefits enrollment printed statement    

Started By  Roger French
8.0.3 windows nt I want to remove the SSN and Annual salary field on the printed benefits summary statement when an employee enrolls in ESS for benefits. I removed the fields from the header within the bensummary.htm file in WEBDIR/bnnet on the webserver. I refreshed cache, ios cache, etc. But the fields are still appearing on the printed report. How do I remove the fields from the printed report Do I need to reboot webserver or stop/start the servlet container -R
2 5897 0
by  Roger FrenchJump to last post
5/19/2008 11:33 AM

Variables on .scr    

Started By  PV Rajan
Hi: Can I have any name for the variables listed under .scr For example, can I replace SRE-DESCRIPTION with BUSINESS-DESCRIPTION in the .scr file (but the key numbers would be correct and that of SRE-DESCRIPTION) E.g. ______________- $END-SCR   AC081 * LEVEL       NAME           TYPE LENGTH    DEC REQ OC KN SC      PICTURE $TRANS     AC081 2    *PT-INSERT             A     01          SB 2    BUSINESS-DESC               A      01                   CAD 2    MY-CUSTOM-2         A      0...
1 4770 1
by  Jason BeardJump to last post
5/22/2008 2:55 PM

Send an AGS call from a Self Service Screen    

Started By  J.W.
We have several customizations that send AGS calls from a ESS form.  Prior to 9.0, this would work with the following:            // build ags call for effective date validation          var vAGScall = '_PDL=' authUser.prodline;          vAGScall = '&_TKN=ZZPS.1&_LFN=ALL&_RTN=DATA&_TDS=IGNORE&_OUT=XML&_EVT=CHG&FC=I';                  vAGScall = '&FR-DATE=' vDate '&ERROR=Z&_EOT=TRUE';          // send ags call to the server          var vAGSInfo = top.httpRequest(top.AGSPath vAG...
6 5138 1
by  J.W.Jump to last post
7/9/2008 2:06 PM

Design Studio call to third party application    

Started By  Ragu Raghavan
I am trying to display some images maintained in FolderView. I am told that the DLLs are installed and registered on the Lawson server. Once that is is place, is it just a simple function call to the DLL with the appropriate parameters For instance, the first call is a login that looks like this: var retVal = document.all.fv.Logon(document.all.userID.value, document.all.password.value); where 'fv' is the object registeted.  I put in this as part of a pusbutton_onclick function I went into ...
0 4605 0
7/16/2008 12:45 AM

dbdef error    

Started By  L G
Hi I am not sure if this is the right subforum But we are developing a custom table via dbdef The size of the table record is huge It has like 4000 alphanumeric characters altogether in one record which we will be needing to store comments etc about an particular record But I am getting an error 'Adding a field of this size will make the file size too large' Can I change some parameter somewhere that will allow this table to be created The underlying database is Oracle 9i And the same ...
1 4601 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
7/22/2008 8:31 PM

Design Studio 9.0 Listbox - value not in list error    

Started By  Deborah Creek
In the 8.0.3 environment after a user types an invalid value in a listbox field the invalid value is cleared out and the message bar displays the 'Value not in list:' error. In the 9.0 environment after a user types an invalid value in a listbox field the invalid value remains in the field and the message bar displays the 'Value not in list:' error. On my custom form, my Design Studio script checks to make sure that required listbox fields are not blank.  In 8.0.3 this also ensured that the va...
1 4838 1
by  RobertJump to last post
8/5/2008 1:05 PM

Lawson Libraries 8 to 9    

Started By  Randall
Hey all, I did some searching on this, but didn't seem to find anything, so I apologize if a problem like this has been posted. I'm migrating a custom batch program from Lawson 8 to LSF9.  When I migrate it to LSF9 and compile, I get some compile errors. The program is defined in the PR system code.  However, it's using the UPPERCASE (PD) & ARSTORAGE (WS) library that is in the AR system code.  It tries to move a value to ARWS-FIELD-IN (which is in the ARSTORAGE working storage library), then...
2 5001 1
by  RandallJump to last post
8/11/2008 7:19 PM

Lawson integration with Captiva and documentum    

Started By  hshergill
Hi,   I am new to Lawson, never even saw any of the applications.I did work with peoplesoft and SAP to integrate them with documentum and captiva but not aware how its possible with Lawson. We are looking for a solution using which we can use Captiva to scan and OCR invoices and send the scan image to documentum and the invoice data to Lawson.Secondly, we are also looking , if we can customize application pages where a user sees the invoice data to have a web link , clicking on which opens a do...
1 5312 2
by  hshergillJump to last post
8/12/2008 5:46 PM

java authentication via lhc.jar    

Started By  Deleted User
I am following the instructions on Page 68 of 'IOS Application Program Interfaces'.  I re-created the java program and now I am trying to compile...I set my classpath to include lhc.jar and commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar.  The compiler returns the error: cannot resolve symbol symbol  : method doLogin (java.lang.String,java.lang.String,char) location: class com.lawson.lawsec.authen.httpconnection.LawsonHttpConnection                         String result = lhc.doLogin(vU...
0 7035 2
8/12/2008 5:40 PM

Custom Integration w/Lawson 9: Best place to start?    

Started By  KeithO
Hi, I am fairly new to the Lawson world, and am interested in getting to know Lawson 9 API's for the puprose of integrating Lawson with some of my clients other applications (financials, manufacturing, etc.). What API's or SDK's are available for Lawson 9, in order to develop custom integrations with Is there a guide or a best place to get started I have done heavy integrations before (for over 10 years) with BizTalk, WebSphere, ItemField, custom coding, .NET, Great Plains, AX, HIPAA processe...
0 4764 1
8/21/2008 4:51 PM

How do you include errors1 in rpt distrib for GL165    

Started By  Paul Gallucci
GL165 creates several files in the print manager directory. One of these files is errors1 which is actually created by program IFTR. I have a job that runs GL165 which has a report distribution associated with it. All the files created by GL165 are distributed to the users defined in the report distribution however errors1 is not. I assume this has something to do with the fact that IFTR creates this file not GL165. I can't modify GL165 since we're in a hosted environment. I don't want to cr...
4 5498 1
by  murali.lawsonJump to last post
9/2/2008 7:05 PM

Lawson HCM in different language    

Started By  Abdul
Hi, I'm a complete newcomer to Lawson HCM, having just crossed over from PeopleSoft HCM, and trying to assess whether Lawson can be customised to produce a foreign language version, specifically Arabic. Whilst I'm interested in a solid long term solution, I would also be interested in (possibly less efficient) temporary 'quick fix' solutions (e.g. using a wrapper of some sort), as a proof of concept. Key requirements are: - the ability to display Arabic text on the screen - the ability to e...
0 4359 2
8/28/2008 5:09 AM

Inquiry pgm ok in 803 but not in LSF9    

Started By  Sam Simpson
We have just migrated our ENV to LSF9 but not the apps(803). We are testing custom inquiry screen that works on 803 but now I' getting this error in LSF9: tsFindNxtDBRec error is File position not valid for nxt/prv find (114) I'm using ITESET11 to inquire by MANUF-NBR. The drill around routines have no problem at all but when you entered the MANUF-NBR directly then push INQUIRE button I'm getting above error. GSC has told me that the pointer to the file (FIND-NLT) could be wrong and that L...
1 4592 0
by  Sam SimpsonJump to last post
9/12/2008 4:29 PM
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