Forum: IPA/ProcessFlow

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No Procedure defined for service 4GL Error    

Started By  Robert
My 4GL successfully calls PERFORM 1000-CHK-WF-STATUS. If I have the documentation right, I am supposed to invoke 1000-WF-SERVICE, passing WFAPI-I-SEVICE and at least WFAPI-I-CRITERION-1. Working through debug/batchanim I arrive at the following code block: 'WORKFLOWSERVICEINQUIRE' USING WFAPI-I-PRODUCT-LINE WFAPI-I-SERVICE WFAPI-I-CRIT-1-15 WFAPI-I-CRIT-2-15 WFAPI-I-CRIT-3-15 WFAPI-I-OBJECT-NAME WFAPI-O-PROCEDURE WFAPI-O-ROLE WFAPI-O-AGENT WFAPI-O-LOG-METRICS WFAPI-O-RET-MSG ...
7 6212 3
by  Vikram Raghava ReddyJump to last post
2/28/2017 9:30 PM

Mobile Inbasket    

Started By  Susan
I understand that Lawson 9.x apps can now use mobile inbasket via handhelds (i.e. BlackBerry, iPhone) for the self service applications. Has anyone had any luck with this I'm finding zero information on about this. Thanks.
11 7652 2
by  Errol MisquitaJump to last post
2/20/2017 8:57 PM

Webrun error    

Started By  JimY
I am testing the Webrun node and it works, but I receive the error below.  It looks as if it is a time out problem so  I did some checking on the Infor Support site and found the parameter SSOTimeout which can be added to the file.  I set it to 10 minutes, but that did not resolve the problem.  I ran the command below in the browser also.  We are on Landmark [code]
14 8622 2
by  alexrsJump to last post
1/27/2017 8:07 PM

SQL QUERY NODE outputData    

Started By  Magus
Hello All, Am using a SQL QUERY NODE to query a table..But, the SQL QUERY NODE _ outputData is blank.. Please anyone guide me to fetch the results of that query and send them to a directory..
2 6122 0
by  TimCJump to last post
12/20/2016 12:55 PM

Non-PO workflow    

Started By  CMNew
We are looking to implement a non-PO invoice workflow. We are using Process Automation on Lawson Ver 10. We are struggling with how to implement this. We have a custom approval table by Company/AU for requsition approvals and it works pretty well. We would like to use this for non-PO invoice approval also. The core problem is that AP cannot release an invoice for approval without knowing what AUs to charge it and route it for approval.  Currently paper invoices gets distributed either by AP or ...
2 3865 2
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
12/19/2016 2:49 PM

Effective date change during User Action    

Started By  Jessica M
We have email notifications set up on all our hr type actions in LTM (TransferHr, HireApproval, etc).  Our HRAdmin often makes a change to the effective date within the UserAction.  Does anyone know where I would pull that new effective date from  I do not see it in the PFIACTIVITYVARIABLE business class.
5 5436 4
by  WoozyJump to last post
1/24/2017 8:04 PM

Communication Trace Null    

Started By  TimC
Hello, I'm constantly getting this error and I can no longer debug into a flow.  Any thoughts   Tim
5 3423 1
by  TimCJump to last post
12/30/2016 12:07 PM

How to setup process to run when a PO line is released?    

Started By  PD
In need of help setting up this part of the process:             1. The process will run when a PO Line is released  when approved requisitions are converted to released PO   it looks like I need to create some type of trigger or service definition in the Rich Client. Please be as specific as possible....Thanks
10 4154 2
by  PDJump to last post
2/2/2017 12:42 PM

Pass Parameter to IPA flow in URL    

Started By  Gene B.
I have an IPA flow that funs a particular IA120 job then ftp's the files to our Essbase server. I am trying to pass a parameter in the URL in order to set up multiple URL's with different parameters to submit different IA120 jobs. The issue is that while the variable does seem to be recognized in Designer its use returns an Error Evaluating Expression error.   The URL is: Is this the correct format to pass a parameter The variable was defined...
5 4587 0
by  Gene B.Jump to last post
1/9/2017 5:04 PM

Add Action    

Started By  PD
Process is to first retrieve info from the PO line and compare quantity input by the Receiver against the quantity from the PO Line. I must first solve ' Process will execute when the Receiver executes the line add action.' and I am not sure how to do that.....any ideas. Thanks
1 2460 1
by  LauaLuauJump to last post
1/11/2017 9:28 PM

Get EE Supervisor's EEID in straight SQL    

Started By  TimC
Hello all, I'm building an integration and connecting to the Landmark database directly. What is the table relationships/keys I need to fetch the EE's, supervisor EEID   Thanks, TIm
8 4634 1
by  TimCJump to last post
1/20/2017 1:54 PM

Resource Query Environment Info / Default Printer    

Started By  mikefortuna
I'm trying to get user environment information, specifically their default printers, from the resource query. It doesn't appear to be in there. Is there another way to get this  Ideally I'd like to be able to update the printers as well.
1 2945 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
1/20/2017 3:44 PM

General Question about process    

Started By  Bill Alt
General question regarding what others do when a user changes job duties or assignments as it relates to what their access is within Lawson. For example, say a person changes the req location that they are responsible for. Usually you might go into IPA and change the filter plus RQ04 and if they are at all doing grants as part of that GM03. I know it can be done various ways, just looking at what others may be doing. Thanks ahead of any answers.
3 2769 0
by  kflores01Jump to last post
1/25/2017 1:51 PM

Invoice Approval    

Started By  Srini Rao
Hello - We are trying to implement the Invoice Approval process using the IPA. We have Req approval and it works great. Invoice approval is little different, i'm trying to understand the process. Any one can suggest me any KB article or provide me some insights for Invoice approvals.
10 5989 3
by  Srini RaoJump to last post
3/1/2017 4:30 PM

Resource Query (RMQRY) Error message    

Started By  PD
I get this error msg when I click on Build...need to get an idea what it means so I can go about solving it.
2 2761 2
by  PDJump to last post
1/26/2017 7:31 PM

Resource Query    

Started By  PD
I am passing an email address to a RMQRY to get to the Actor ID. If I hardcode the email address in an Assign node and pass it on, the RMQRY returns the Actor ID as expected. But if I remove the hardcoded email address and run it as regular, the RMQRY_EMAIL has an undefined value as the Actor_ID. What am I missing   see Query string below: x1854danhosp.priv' method='getRMQuery'>)]]>
1 2648 0
by  PDJump to last post
1/27/2017 2:04 PM

Timeout for Webrun    

Started By  Matt Gordon
I am trying to get processes organized and repeatable using IPA. One problem I am running into is when we have a batch job running via Webrun (i.e. PR530, LP570, etc.) the job may run longer than IPA waits for a result. I have found posts mentioning a timeout parameter in settings but nothing that explicitly states what needs to be changed. I have contacted AMS, because we are hosted, to have it changed but they do not understand what I am talking about. Can anyone tell me exactly what needs to ...
8 4318 1
by  Matt GordonJump to last post
1/27/2017 7:08 PM

Workunit Maintenance    

Started By  Jessica M
I'm not sure if this is quite the right place for this questions, but here goes.  I have a few questions about how you handle maintenance/clean up of your workunits  Do you keep a certain number of days  Do you use a process flow to delete workunits Do you delete activities and variables separate from workunits Do you use a process flow to delete the related action requests Every time we go to do a big upgrade we run into issues with the size of our database and r...
0 2757 3
2/3/2017 6:12 PM

Could not connect to SMTP host: undefined, port: 25;    

Started By  TimC
This only errors in an update S3 activity node and not a non-update node. I have the OnError tab set to a configured email address.. Trying to update AP150 jobs.
2 5044 0
by  TimCJump to last post
2/6/2017 1:02 PM

UserAction email to group mailbox    

Started By  Rick McCahan
I'm working on a new flow for the benefits department.  They've requested that instead of sending UserAction notification emails to the individual actors, one email should be sent to their shared department mailbox.  This will allow them to share the workload by working from a single queue. It's not clear to me if this is possible nor how to set it up. Thoughts Thanks!
5 3104 3
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
2/13/2017 5:15 PM

Work Unit Variable(s)    

Started By  PD
I am trying to make sense out of a user defined Flow (FTP node using File Channel) which is using Work Unit Variables and I can't find where the variables are defined or coming from. I do see where the variable values are coming from which is from Channels Administrator->File Channels tab but not the six variables. Where should I look   Flow:
9 3915 2
by  FireGeek21Jump to last post
2/14/2017 9:06 PM

JOB NOT FOUND error    

Started By  TimC
The job absolutely does exist. The message reads 'Return message: Job PM101ACH Not Found'. I notice that there are spaces after the job name that is returned. However, I send and 8 character field to where the field is a eleven char field. Do I need to pad w spaces the submission
1 5859 0
by  TimCJump to last post
2/21/2017 6:44 PM

XML Node issue with flow dispatcherPO    

Started By  JimY
I am running the flow dispatcherPO that has an xml node that converts the xml output from PO120 so that it can be transmitted to the vendor.  The xml node works fine on our test system, but in production I am getting the error - A DOCTYPE is not allowed in content.  I did some testing by creating a simple flow that parses the xml file and ran it on production and test and as expected it does not work in production, but does test.  In test we are on Landmark version and in production we...
2 2961 1
by  JimYJump to last post
2/24/2017 4:07 PM

Web Service Authentication Options    

Started By  Kyle Jorgensen
What are the authentication options for external systems to use when calling a service into Lawson Specifically, we want external systems to call a service in Landmark to be able to start a flow in one of two ways: 1.) Use the delivered /bpm/trigger service or 2.) Use configuration console to create our own service to start flows Either way, both methods will require authentication. Is /sso/SSOServlet the only option for authentication into Lawson If so where can I find more detailed ...
0 3236 0
3/1/2017 1:35 PM

IPA - Include Job Requisition Attachments to Email    

Started By  Randall
Hi everyone, I'm attempting to take the attachment that is attached to a Job Requisition in LTM and include it on an email related to the approval process in IPA.  The attachments don't seem to be stored on the Landmark server, so I'm assuming they're being stored as blobs in the database (not sure 100 on this).  I'm able to query the JobRequisitionDocument business class and retrieve the attributes related to the attachment, but nothing specific to location and content. Has anyone attempted ...
0 4318 0
3/1/2017 5:30 PM
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