Forum: IPA/ProcessFlow

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Migrating 8.0 Flows to 9.0      

Started By  Joe O'Toole
We have some flows written in designer V 8.036 and they reference RD30. Is there a migration utility to move these to LSF 9 and will it move the flows even though the RD30 logan objects no longer exist
87 66851 0
by Shane Jones

Installing and Configuring MSSQL JDBC for ProcessFlow Integrator      

Started By  John Henley
Using SQL Update (as well as the SQL Query) nodes require locating/downloading and then installing/configuring JDBC drivers for your desired database(s) (e.g., Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, etc.) on your development workstation as well as your Lawson LSF9/ProcessFlow Server. You will also need some knowledge of JDBC connection string syntax. None of this is well-documented by Lawson (nor is configuration support provided by GSC). Here are instructions for installing/configuring MSSQL JDBC for Proc...
23 36181 0
by masonp

Someone - please share your PFlow Trigger form....      

Started By  Shane Jones
I am looking for a simple form that an HR user could access to trigger a processflow. I was going to just schedule the flow but they need to be able to trigger the flow their schedule. I do NOT want to give them access to Process Flow Administrator. I have heard others say that they have created a form that triggers a processflow. Is anyone willing to share their form (My other option is to create a flow that is connected to a PA52 action and then have the user enter a personne...
9 25959 0
by JeffR

LPA- Default work title for UA      

Started By  Lynne
Hi- I need to modify some of the inbasket work titles and can't figure out where I can see what the default title is.  If I look at the UA, work title, it is blank.  But, when the inbasket generates there is a title that displays.  Is there a default title that is used if you don't enter anything in the Work tab Work Title field of the UA node  Thanks!
11 21438 2
by B Ledet

javascript functions in processflow      

Started By  Maynard F.
Hello.  I would like to see some of the custom functions that PFI users have developed.  Specifially, I am wanting a function that will format a numeric field into an alpha numeric field complete with currency sign, commas and a decimal point.  Any other functions will be appreciated.  Please reply or post the code and tell me where to find it.  Thank you.
9 23848 5
by Joan Herzfeldt

Parse CSV Comma Delimited File with Quotes and Embedded Comma      

Started By  agersh
Using the Data Iterator node I've been trying to figure out how I can parse the following CSV file/row, Comma Delimited with Quotes and Embedded Comma. '1375','Annual','GRETA','GOLD','082189','Yes','REGINA','BRONZ','01/21/2014','BRONZ, REGINA;FRANKEN, JANET','TRANSCRIPTIONIST PATHOLOGY','12354','Yes','No','Yes','','','Submitted to HR','','','','2.03','01/21/2014','01/21/2014','0.00','0.00','0.00','','','01/21/2014' Has anyone else come across this situation
9 19882 1
by GeoffTSJY

ActiveX Component can't create object when trying to run wizard      

Started By  jocelyn
I've been using LPA for about a year now, and wanted to develop a new flow that includes a Lawson Transaction node.   When I click 'Build' to build the transaction, I get the following error: Run-time error '429':  ActiveX component can't create object. I've written flows before that utilize the Lawson Transaction and Lawson Query nodes and have used the Build wizards to create the transaction/query strings.   Suddenly I cannot.    However, the big difference between then and n...
1 19610 0
by Woozy

Create export files from SQL code via IPA or crystal and LBI?      

Started By  Joan Herzfeldt
I'd like to pick a few brains please.  I'm trying to determine if IPA is a viable option for running SQL code and FTP'g the file or moving it to a directory.  Most of my Lawson exports are created via a SQL View.  So the next step just pulls the entire view (select * from LawsonView).  Currently in order to get the file into csv, tab, excel, etc... I have to create a crystal report and schedule it via LBI which exports it to a specific directory.  My network team have to create the FTP connecti...
10 22514 5
by FireGeek21

Having trouble determining the HR15.1 PageDown AGS Call      

Started By  agersh
I am working on a process to delete specific User Fields (User Field Values) from an employee. Using the following HR15.1 ags transaction call I am able to inquire the first page of HR15.1 for the employee. But I seem to be unable to successfully build the ags call to PageDown to the next page of user fields.   [Inquire] _PDL=PROD&_TKN=HR15.1&_EVT=CHG&_RTN=DATA&_LFN=ALL&_TDS=IGNORE&FC=I&HEU-COMPANY=1&HEU-EMPLOYEE=299&HEU-EFFECT-DATE=&_DELIM=09&_OUT=XML&_EOT=TRUE   I have also included the ...
2 17150 3
by agersh

Can Process Flow execute a Crystal Report and Print the report to a specific Network Printer.      

Started By  agersh
Is it possible to create a process flow that would execute a Crystal Report located on our Lawson V10 LBI Server and instruct Crystal to printer the report to a specific network printer.
1 16785 2
by Shane Jones

Email Node - Include a picture in email content      

Started By  agersh
Is it possible to include a pictures/graphics in the email content area of the Email node I am assuming that the content type will need to ne HTML.
3 30461 4
by Corvette Jim

Use Javascript to format Rate of Pay and FTE values from database table to include decimals      

Started By  agersh
I am working on a ProcessFlow that uses an SQL Query Node to query the PERSACTION table. Two of the New_Value_ fields the query is referencing are the values for Rate of Pay and FTE. The values are stored in the table without decimals. For example Rate of Pay is stored as 000000000032050000 and FTE as  000000000000900000 . Using Javascript I am trying to find a way to format these values so that my ProcessFlow could use these values in their valid/correct decimal format.   Any suggestions
5 17500 2
by Dave Curtis

Convert TXT to PDF      

Started By  PD
I have a formatted txt file that is converted to pdf using the bldxffiles utility, but the pdf does not look as nice as the formatted txt file. Can someone give me pointers on how to make that happen I use a MsgBuilder node to create the file and tab is used for spacing.....see attached files for comparison
2 17292 1
by PD

Check If file directory exists, if does not exists create directory      

Started By  agersh
Using V10 IPA is it possible to check if a network directory exits If the directory does not exist then create the directory on the network drive
1 16773 1
by brox07

FTP Node – Retrieve latest file from remote source folder      

Started By  agersh
Using the FTP node I am trying to build a process that file transfers the latest file of a list of files located on a remote source folder.  Has anyone written a process that searches a remote folder for that latest file then transfers the file using the FTP node
1 18943 1
by Kyle Jorgensen

Calling Jobrun.exe to submit jobs      

Started By  Deleted User
Hi, We can submit jobs via Webrun node in Process Flow which internally calls jobrun.exe to execute jobs. Can we call the jobrun.exe to execute jobs using our own written desktop application just like LID
2 16247 2
by Deleted User

Email Node - High Importance Option      

Started By  agersh
Does anyone know if the Email node for IP Designer V10. provides an option to send emails as an High Importance email
1 15686 1
by JimY

IPA Batch Job Montioring after WebRun node kicks it off      

Started By  Deb Roberts
When we kick off a batch job with the WebRun node in IPA, is there a way to delay the flow from moving to the next node until the job successfully completes  Or do we have to use a Wait node and determine how long the job usually takes to run Thanks in advance for your help!
5 17821 3
by dmcdougald

Using Web Service in IPD 10.1.1      

Started By  HDAustin13
Hello, I am trying to use the Web Service node in IPD 10.1.1 to connect to a web service but not sure on how to start.Does anyone have any guildeline on how to make it works If so, can you please share. Thank you in advance.
2 16197 2
by HDAustin13

Use IPA to query IFS      

Started By  AndyG
Since IFS syncs with our 5 sub-domains, we would like to read/query the user information, to later use in the IPA. Can IPA query IFS user information What node How Has anyone done this Thank you in advance.
2 15884 2
by AndyG

Parse the data from Web API      

Started By  HDAustin13
Hello Everyone, I am trying to parse the data from the vendor Web API to a csv file to insert into a database table by using Webrun node to connect to the Web API, JSonParser to parse the data, and JSonConverter to conver the JSon data to CSV but get stuck on configuring these nodes as I am not sure what should be correct to configure for these nodes.  Has anyone done something similiar to this Can you please share your experiences Thanks in advance, Han
0 3721 1

Executing IPA from PR160      

Started By  Srini Rao
We're facing a situation where we need to update the PR160 PMTOUT file. However, I prefer not to customize the PR160. Instead, I'd like to execute the IPA after PR160 completes successfully. Is there a way to trigger an IPA from within PR160 How do I execute the IPA from batch program.
2 1590 0
by John Henley

Converting UTC Date to EST Date using Javascript      

Started By  Roger French
I'm looking for how others are performing a conversion of a UTC Date (or any time zone date) to EST Date in Javascript. The requirement is to have a date/time specifically in EST timezone to write to a user business class/field. I'm developing a IPA in Cloudsuite and at this time we are unable to have the Default Coroporate or System time zone changed to EST.  I've already looked at a few other ways of doing this, specifically: intlDateObj = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', { ...
1 1647 0
by Ragu Raghavan

this.bean is null      

Started By  Bill Brennenstuhl
Getting this error when my IPA gets to the second iteration of a Landmark Transaction.  I am iterating through 6 records and it only does it on the second pass. Error executing iteration loop java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke 'com.lawson.bpm.landmark.LandmarkAdapter.getPageSize()' because 'this.bean' is null
1 1673 0
by Bill Brennenstuhl

WFWORKUNIT table, WF-STATUS field value set      

Started By  johne
documentation I can find has values for this field  as 01 thur 08,  and 29 does anyone have an updated list of  values        am seeing values of 25, 26, 27 and 28   thanks. je
0 1929 0
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