Forum: IPA/ProcessFlow

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Cancelling work units?    

Started By  ThomasT
How can I remove workunits from appearing in user inbaskets I've got some workunits I'd like to cancel and remove from user inbaskets. I set the status to those workunits as 8-Cancelled completed. I stopped and restarted bpm, rmi and em, and refreshed IOS Cache. But the workunits are still appearing in the user inbaskets.
9 5061 2
by  kflores01Jump to last post
11/22/2016 6:29 PM

Transaction Node Error: AGS error: Must inquire on code before adding    

Started By  Chris12
I am trying ot add a record to PA52.4 and I am receiving the above error. I have been struggling with this so I was hoping maybe some one encountered the same issue and can share the resolution with me.  Belos is my ags call .... Any help is appreciated. _PDL=TEST6&_TKN=PA52.4&_EVT=CHG&_RTN=DATA&_LFN=ALL&_TDS=IGNORE&FC=A&PCT-COMPANY=9009&PCT-APPLICANT=&PCT-EFFECT-DATE=&PCT-ACTION-CODE=XNE-HIREAP&IMMEDIATE-ACTION=Y&PCT-NEW-VALUE-1r0=&PCT-NEW-VALUE-1r1=&PCT-NEW-VALUE-1r2=&PCT-NEW-VALUE-1r3=2&P...
10 6341 1
by  RickyYJump to last post
11/11/2016 3:46 PM

Hide Inbasket Menu Links    

Started By  Kyle Jorgensen
How do I hide links on the horizontal menu in the inbasket of IPA  See below screenshots and text for details. Before: Landing page links to “My Proxies” and “Options” are visible.   After: I created a new Landing page and hid those two links.   Menu links: However, the horizontal menu that is persistent throughout the inbasket still shows links to these pages.  How are those hidden
10 5042 3
by  jamesracesonJump to last post
10/25/2016 6:28 PM

IPA - Inbasket    

Started By  sreeP
I am trying to create a new IPA flow with User Action node. I want to display a Design studio Form Under Display for Desktop sub type.  When i provided the URL (Same as what we use to create a link in LBI Dashboard), in the Inbasket display Only portal home page is loading - the form is not getting loaded. Is there any specific way to provide the URL in User Action Node
1 2812 0
by  kimJump to last post
11/10/2016 5:45 PM

UserAction attachment?    

Started By  Thibaud Lopez Schneider
How can we add an attachment to the email notification of a UserAction activity node The UserAction has the ability to take actions via email (e.g. approve/reject buttons), but does not have the ability to add attachments. Whereas the email activity node does have the ability to add attachments, but does not for taking actions via email (unless we create the buttons ourselves and deal with authentication). Here are two screenshots:
1 3084 0
by  Thibaud Lopez SchneiderJump to last post
11/8/2016 5:45 AM

Trigger a Flow    

Started By  adnan512
Hello everyone, I want to trigger a flow when someone populates 'is a manager' flag in LTM. I want this flow to kick off and assign the 'DirectSuperviros_ST' role in security. it's already being done as part of new hire security provision but I need to do it when someone is promoted to a supervisor position. Please let me know your suggestions. Thanks
2 2629 1
by  adnan512Jump to last post
10/7/2016 4:40 PM

IPDesigner Error. Can't log in.    

Started By  JonA
I'm getting this error when I try to log into IPDesigner. An error has occurred. See the log file C:\IPDesigner\IPDProd\workspace\.metadata\.log.   It was working fine until last Thursday.  I noticed that when I was modifying a flow there were some errors but they weren't listed in the window.  So I thought maybe a restart of the application would fix that.  But after the restart I got this error when I tried to log in.  I've attached the log file but I don't think it's very helpful.
4 3710 0
by  JonAJump to last post
10/10/2016 3:44 PM

REQLINE Detail in Email Notification    

Started By  JonA
I'm currently testing IPA and I've set up the html code in the email notification to display some REQHEADER information: Requester Name, User ID, Req Location, Total Req Value. I'd like to display REQLINE information so that the approver will have the information they need to take action within the email. Similar to what we see in the portal inbasket (recsum.htm).  But I can only get the first line of the req to display.  How do I get all lines to display in the email
2 2710 1
by  JonAJump to last post
10/12/2016 5:55 PM

UA-Node Variables    

Started By  Srini Rao
Hello - We added the logic(html box ) in UA node to capture the message and we like to use this message out side the UA node.  Seems to be we can't access the UA variables out side UA . So what will be the best way to capture a message/information in UA and use it out side UA.
1 2774 1
by  steve fingerJump to last post
10/17/2016 5:18 PM

Schedule FileChannel On/Off    

Started By  Kyle Jorgensen
Can I Schedule a FileChannel in IPA to be deactivated/activated on a particular schedule Our LSF and Landmark servers are on different machines.  We'd like to schedule our FileChannel that scans for trigger files on the LSF server to be deactivated on the same schedule as when LSF is down for back-ups (at a certain time each evening). If a trigger file from a system other than Lawson shows up (accounting interfaces) when LSF is down, IPA still starts a flow and then immediately bombs because ...
3 2918 2
by  Kyle JorgensenJump to last post
10/21/2016 5:47 PM

Move all files using SysCommand Node    

Started By  FireGeek21
Is there a way to use the SysCommand node to move all files in a folder to another location  Key here is all the file names will not be known.
1 2269 0
by  JimYJump to last post
10/26/2016 3:29 PM

generate a dynamic report based on certain variables in infor lawson IP Designer    

Started By  HDAustin13
Greeting Everyone! Can any one please advise on how to generate a dynamic report based on certain variables e.g from date 1 to date2 with a specific region like north, south, etc. in IPA Designer flow.   Thanks in advance, HD
2 2507 2
by  HDAustin13Jump to last post
11/1/2016 3:36 PM

Process types?    

Started By  Thibaud Lopez Schneider
Hello,   In Infor Process Automation (IPA) > Process Definitions, what is the difference between the types: User, System, and Application   Thank you.   Thibaud Lopez Schneider
2 2920 1
by  Thibaud Lopez SchneiderJump to last post
11/10/2016 8:18 PM

Include Image in Email Body    

Started By  charliewilliam
Using Infor Process Designer and LTM.  Need to include an image in the email body.  Where do we store the image (don't say server - looking for a location.  We are using Windows/SQL Server). Also, what is the directory structure that should be used under 'Attachments'  Not sure if , , , etc should be used and the \ / confuse me!   Help!  Thanks!
3 2758 1
by  JimYJump to last post
11/9/2016 10:24 AM

IPA - Upload Process Automation    

Started By  Maestro
We are trying to automate our promotion process. IPA is causing us a roadblock b/c of the need to upload the process in designer. We were wondering if anyone knew of a way to automate this OR of a webservice we could possibly leverage. Thanks.
3 2867 3
by  MaestroJump to last post
11/15/2016 12:44 PM

DispatcherPO and Amazon    

Started By  JimY
Has anybody used dispatcherPO to transmit cXml files to Amazon for Purchase Orders  I am getting the error that there is no active configuration for the uri.  I have set up the config file with the information that was sent, but I am not having any luck.  Thank you.
0 2965 0
11/15/2016 2:36 PM

AP30.5 Remit To Code update    

Started By  Steph76
I need to use process designer to loop through a list of invoices and update the Remit To Code. Do I need to add a Lawson Transaction for AP30.5 first or can I skip it and and have one for AP30.1 with an event of Change All of the fields seem to be there for AP30.1, even the REMIT-TO-CODE.  When I run it the message returned is 'Change Complete - Continue' and the process ran successfully, yet my data has not been updated.   Below is my Transaction string: _PDL=LSAPPS&_TKN=AP30.1&_EVT=CHG&_R...
0 3367 1
11/16/2016 2:03 PM

How to reset For Each loop    

Started By  JasonP
Im using a For Each loop to loop through an array which contains a list of strings such as COMPANYNO|DATE.  When my SQL1 company equals Company from Data Iterator which is being used to split the string, my for each never really ends.  When the second record from SQL1 hits, we go back into the For Each loop but the iteration doesn't reset.  So in the first pass, we find a match on iteration 3, we exit the for each and data iterator. on SQL1 second record, the for each starts where it left off.  ...
0 3090 0
11/17/2016 12:36 PM

How to reset For Each loop    

Started By  JasonP
Im using a For Each loop to loop through an array which contains a list of strings that looks like this COMPANYNO|DATE.  When my outer SQL1 company equals Company from Data Iterator (which is being used to split the string), I want to exit the For Each loop.  When I exit the For Each Loop, it never really ends or resets.     On the second iteration of SQL1, we go back into the For Each loop and I want to start back over at the beginning of the array with iteration 1. However when it comes back...
2 2711 0
by  JasonPJump to last post
11/18/2016 2:23 PM

IPA and GL20 Automate Posting account    

Started By  Randy
Can I use IPA to automate adding an account in GL20 I have COMPANY,ACCT_UNIT,ACCOUNT & SUB_ACCOUNT coming from budget System. I use IPA to load (FB165), but sometimes the accounts are not turned on for a given Company/Acct Unit. I could do a test to see what accounts are not in the GLMASTER, but how can I add them, as the GL20 does
6 3080 2
by  RandyJump to last post
11/21/2016 3:30 PM

Trigger a custom flow using GHR Standard Action Tag    

Started By  xxxxxttysfh
Trigger a custom flow using GHR Standard Action Tag.   can any one give the steps , please
0 3269 0
11/22/2016 5:52 PM

Best practice for removing processed files    

Started By  Todd Mitchell
I use File Channels to pick up and process data files on non-IPA locations.  Once the file is processed it is placed in a 'processed' folder on the IPA server.  Is there a best practice, another process flow or a cron job, for archiving/deleting these files that are X days old
0 3123 3
11/29/2016 3:47 PM

IPA node assignment and null values    

Started By  DavidV
Just curious what the best practice is with node assignment and dealing with null or undefined values.  We have a capital req approval flow that is based upon the reqline_PO_CODE  -- We assign reqline_PO_CODE to a variable called PO_CODE and then in a branch node check the value for that variable.  In the assignment node we had: Variable name: PO_CODE Variable type: String Variable value: reqline_PO_CODE  This would work fine when the requisition had a PO_CODE but would error with 'Error ev...
2 4916 1
by  jamesracesonJump to last post
12/1/2016 12:07 PM

Does not exist exception - LMRK Transaction Node    

Started By  FireGeek21
Attempting to build a new LMRK Transaction node so I can get all the location information to return for a .csv file.  I plan on saving the data off to a variable and then to the .csv file. I have a LMRK Transaction node to query the HRLocation business class.  Here is the node...  The only criteria is as shown. Landmark:LMRK_Facility Executing transaction_dataArea=dev & _module='hr' & _objectName='HRLocation' & _actionName='Find' & _actionOperator='NONE' & _actionType='SingleRecordQuery' & _ru...
2 3653 1
by  FireGeek21Jump to last post
12/6/2016 1:54 PM

Newbee to IPA    

Started By  PD
While looking at an example process flow written by Infor, I stumble on this expression below and I am unable to make sense out it. Can someone please explain it to me; more specifically ( *:: ) ParseInvoice_output.*:ataArea..*::Invoice.*::InvoiceHeader.*:ocumentID.*::ID   Thanks
1 2834 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
12/13/2016 1:20 PM
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