Forum: IPA/ProcessFlow

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LPA JDBC Configuration    

Started By  amylynanderson
I have my JDBC configure in LPA on the landmark server but the SQL node is not working in LPA.  JDBC Driver oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver not found in classpath. Please add jdbc driver to Lawson Process Server classpath. I am converting my flows from IPA to LPA so the classpath should be set unless now I have to set something up on the landmark server other than the system configuration.  This worked in PFI.  What am I missing in LPA setup and where is it in the grid, env varialbes
5 3933 2
by  Barb RegnierJump to last post
5/7/2014 5:45 PM

Invoice approval display exec    

Started By  redluv
Looking to start using Process Automation for invoice approval.  Does anyone have a display exec for invoices they could share Thanks ....
1 3319 0
by  redluvJump to last post
2/28/2014 8:00 PM

how to trigger process flow using a different job scheduler (ex. ESP)    

Started By  Conrad
I have a project where I will be receiving an invoice payment file from a 3rd party vendor. can we use a different job scheduler trigger ap520
4 4685 1
by  Rob ConradJump to last post
2/11/2014 2:21 AM

PA52 separation process flow    

Started By  Nancy
I am trying to create a separation process flow that will be entered my managers and then approved by HR staff.  I can get the separation flow to create the inbasket - but when we click on the item in the inbasket we don't get anything. Any help would be appreciated.   I don't know how to get the inbasket to show details of the personnel action that will help HR in deciding to approve or not approve the action. thanks,
2 3131 0
by  NancyJump to last post
2/13/2014 4:12 PM

Java to remove non-alpha characters    

Started By  MC
I need a Java routine that I can put in to my PF to remove the non a-z charaters (upper and lower) from the employee name and compress the remaing good characters into a string.
2 3279 1
by  MCJump to last post
2/18/2014 1:22 PM

How to pass variable value into Landmark transaction    

Started By  Taras
I need to find specific record in PfiWorkunitVariable table. In order to do this I try to use Landmark transaction with following parameters: _dataArea='lmstglpa' & _module='pfi' & _objectName='PfiWorkunitVariable' & _actionName='Find' & _actionOperator='NONE' & _actionType='MultipleRecordQuery' & _pageSize='30' & _filterString='VariableValue = \'0010003781\'' & UniqueID With hard-coded value it works well but as soon as i tried to use variable it stop working. Variable is like '' - witho...
5 5636 1
by  TarasJump to last post
4/23/2014 1:43 PM

HRUA node in 9.0    

Started By  MC
I am using the HRUA (HR User Action) node, and in the drop down for the Company  / employe I am getting a very small list of variables.   Why am I not seeing all
1 2797 0
by  MCJump to last post
2/27/2014 3:07 PM

Does ScanFileClient wait for complete file b4 processing?    

Started By  ShawnV
We are looking to use ScanFileClient and our technical team asked if the ScanFileClient application waits for the file to be completely written before it sends it to process flow.  We have a number of large files that take time to be written to the file system.  They are afraid the file will be 'processed' before the full file has been written.  Thanks in advance for any feedback. Shawn Van Sluys
1 2947 1
by  WoozyJump to last post
3/3/2014 7:37 PM

LTM - how to trigger process flow using a different job scheduler    

Started By  Vitas
I'm building a job stream with a 3d party scheduling tool that will first launch an lpd flow, then based on a succesful completion, launch an S3 job, then upon successful completion, launch a SQL script against a SQL Server database. I think I have steps 2 and 3 covered. It's the first step - launching an lpd flow outside of Landmark, that is puzzling. I've read where some Admins out there have already tackled this issue. Any insight or advice would be greatly appreciated! -------------- ...
1 3956 2
by  WoozyJump to last post
3/5/2014 3:15 PM

displayexec for journal entry approval in smart offic    

Started By  oakes
Has anyone created a displayexec for journal entry approval in smart office  Any help appreciated.
0 3466 0
3/11/2014 4:24 PM

PA52.4 Transaction Node - AGS error: Must inquire on code before adding, FldNbr _f1    

Started By  Chris12
I am trying to add a PA52.4 entry via Process Flow using a transaction node. I keep on getting the below error AGS error: Must inquire on code before adding.  Below is my AGS call ...... ANY HELP IS APPRECIATED !!!! _PDL=TEST6&_TKN=PA52.4&_EVT=CHG&_RTN=DATA&_LFN=ALL&_TDS=IGNORE&FC=A&PCT-COMPANY=9009&PCT-APPLICANT=&PCT-EFFECT-DATE=&PCT-ACTION-CODE=XNE-HIREAP&IMMEDIATE-ACTION=Y&PCT-NEW-VALUE-1r0=&PCT-NEW-VALUE-1r1=&PCT-NEW-VALUE-1r2=&PCT-NEW-VALUE-1r3=2&PCT-NEW-VALUE-1r4=NON1&PCT-NEW-VALUE-1...
0 1818 0
3/12/2014 6:36 PM

Using the syscommand to execute gpg    

Started By  JimY
I have flow that I am using for testing purposes and I am writing the following out to a bat file and then trying to execute it using the syscommand. [code] 'gpg --recipient \'ING\' --output \'D:\\putty\\gpg_help.txt.gpg\' --encrypt \'D:\\putty\\gpg_help.txt\'\r\n' 'ftp -s: d:\\putty\\jimcmds' [/code]      When it gets executed I get the message that it does not recognize gpg as a command.  If I run the bat file from the command line it works fine.  I have tried execution mo...
3 2404 0
by  JimYJump to last post
3/16/2014 5:12 PM

Capture and store the approver id of an process flow user action in database    

Started By  L G
Hi I am trying to capture the logged in user who approves/rejects a particular workunit in inbasket and then store it in custom table field within Lawson via an AGS call within Lawson. Is there any way to capture the user id and store it into a variable while the user approves the workunit within processflow or do I need to check into some workunit history table to capture the same This is V10.
1 2650 0
by  L GJump to last post
3/16/2014 1:42 PM

Transaction Counts    

Started By  FireGeek21
We need to report on the number of transactions we do. I can get transaction history from the HRHISTORY, BENEFIT, EMPLOYEE and EMDEPEND.  Here's the issue, EMPLOYEE and EMDEPEND tables only capture the latest change to a person's record.  I am looking to capture this information for a month/quarter/year - a look back of sorts.  HRHISTORY and BENEFIT capture a running history of all changes - easy to capture in a Crystal Report. Has any one used process flow to capture transaction counts  Wit...
0 3092 1
3/18/2014 7:25 PM

Calling a stored procedure in process flow    

Started By  Ludy
I need to create a process flow that will make a call to a stored procedure (which calls an AS/400 RPGLE program to get back a value for an invoice group).  This procedure will pass a blank parameter and will expect to get back a group value.   To test, I created a simple flow that has an SQLUPD node where I do -- call  .LSS6235 ().  Then I have a branch node to test if the call was successful.  If yes, sends an email showing the invoice group value that was retrieved; if not, an email showin...
2 3012 2
by  LudyJump to last post
3/27/2014 2:00 PM

PF 9 MSS remove ability to see / write messages in inbasket    

Started By  MC
We are on PF 9  and in MSS we want to remove from the inbasket the ability for our managers to write / see the messages folder.   Is there a way to remove this within security (or any where else).  We have built a custom inbasket display and really would like the managers to not see any of the delivered options (folders / messages / history). Is there a way to do this also    Thanks !
1 2721 0
by  MCJump to last post
3/25/2014 10:05 PM

HR Teminations    

Started By  Daniel
HR want a flow that blanks certain fields in HR11 when an employee is terminated either through PA100 or PA52. I am not sure of how to do this as it has been awhile since I built a flow. Is there a trigger for this Thanks for any help Daniel Burrus, PMP Enterprise Business Systems Analyst Special School District of St. Louis County
1 2740 1
by  DanielJump to last post
4/1/2014 11:06 PM

Case Management emails from IPA??    

Started By  Tim Cochrane
Has anybody started using Infor Case Management in conjunction with PF emails We already know a PF email to open a Case ticket must be properly formatted (4 variables on lines 1-4) and can contain an attachment, we're curious as to any success stories from other adopters.
1 2943 0
by  Tim CochraneJump to last post
5/1/2014 12:41 AM

ProcessFlow Performance issues    

Started By  Deleted User
We're in the testing phase of a very aggressive project to move our Lawson platform from HP/UX to IBM/AIX.  Everything appears to be going fine except we're seeing some major performance issues around using ProcessFlow Designer tool.  As an example, in the Eclipse Designer tool, when opening and retrieving the list of flows on the server, the list comes back in less than a second.  On the new box (which is far more powerful in about every way) it takes about 18 seconds.  Then, when adding a simp...
4 3202 1
by  WoozyJump to last post
4/25/2014 2:18 PM

IPA Version 10 and GEN Product Line    

Started By  JimY
I am attempting to create a flow that checks for jobs that went into the Waiting Que.  I set up the GEN productline in the login, but when I click on the Build button for the Lawson Query Node it only shows my application productline PROD.  Am I  using the wrong node or is there something else I am missing  Thank you.   Product version is: 2014-02-11 03:37:11
2 4187 0
by  JimYJump to last post
4/26/2014 9:54 PM

MSS PF popups    

Started By  MC
MSS (9.0 S3) has 2 pop ups when the action is taken.  The first pop up tells the user the action they have taken, the 2nd pop up states that the Work Unit has been dispacted, and again what action was taken. We want to change the text in the 2nd pop up, but I have yet to find what piece of code is doing this logic (even with fiddler).  Could someone point me to the right place. Thanks
1 2752 1
by  kimJump to last post
4/30/2014 5:18 PM

PA52 Can multiple flows be kicked off from the supplied trigger?    

Started By  Gene B.
I am new to Process Flow. When the Use Workflow parameter in PA50.1 is set to Y I understand it kicks off an 'Action Approval' supplied by Lawson. The flow and service gets named the same as the Action. Can more than one flow be kicked off this way for the same action For instance an approval flow but also a separate flow to send email notifications
5 2755 0
by  Gene B.Jump to last post
5/1/2014 5:28 PM

User Action Work Assignment Variable List    

Started By  Greg Dey
I am running version 10.0.6 of IPA and I want to assign the User Action to the user associated with a variable.  I thought I could use the Task variable list in the work assignment on the General tab for a User Action node.  When I attempt to ONLY use a task variable () without a user or task I receive a designer error 'Required field: Work assignmnt tasks or users'.  I tried using a task and a variable but the user was not notified of pending work.  I'm trying to create a flow that would requir...
5 3373 1
by  Greg DeyJump to last post
5/1/2014 2:39 PM

PA52 generated flows that wait for PA100 update?    

Started By  Gene B.
I am new to workflow. I have flows that notify our user provisioning team of New hires and Re-hires. New hires are entered directly through HR11 and also through PA52.4 Hire an applicant. Rehires through PA52 using a rehire action entered as not immediate. I created a flow that runs off the HR11 Add Action. I have flows that kick off for PA52 Rehire and PA52.4 but was wondering if there is a way in general to have a flow kick off after the PA100 Action Update of these transactions Sometimes th...
3 3096 0
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
5/6/2014 4:03 PM

IPA Version 10 Requisition Approval Flow    

Started By  JimY
We have a requisition approval flow that was built by someone else who is not available at the moment and I am trying to determine where the email addresses for approvers is coming from in the User Action Node.  I can tell that the email address for the requisitioner is coming from an RM record using a Resource Query, but I am not sure if the approver email is coming from the RM record or their Actor record.  I suspect the Actor record, but I want to confirm it.  Thank you.
6 3861 1
by  JimYJump to last post
5/2/2014 5:21 PM
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