Forum: IPA/ProcessFlow

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How do I call AP520 invoice interface from a process flow?    

Started By  Wanda Schaaf
Does someone have information how I can use Process flow to call the AP520 invoice interface I want to schedule a process flow to run after work hours to populate the api invoice interface tables.
2 4527 1
by  Wanda SchaafJump to last post
9/4/2008 2:22 PM

recsum htm files in 9.0    

Started By  Mike Schlenk
I've just about got processflow 9 working in LSF.  My elaborate req approval flow is working.  However, the custom inbasket display created by recsum.htm doesn't work.  I copied the file from 8.0.3 but it doesn't suprise me that it isn't working (javascript error). Does anyone have any insight  Perhaps some custom displays created  The Lawson KB search reveals nothing for 9.0.  I wanted to try the forum before testing tech support with this.
7 5997 2
by  John HenleyJump to last post
9/3/2008 7:37 PM

WebRun - EOL    

Started By  stcyrk
I cannot seem to effectively remove the EOL from messages attached to either action Reject or Unrelease.  I've tried addtrailingspaces and trimtrailingCRLF, to no avail.  EOL appears as a result of a carriage return by the user.  Does anyone know which function will resolve this Thks Keith
4 5343 0
by  stcyrkJump to last post
9/3/2008 2:54 PM

Make PF less clicky    

Started By  mcissell
One of the major complaints that we have recieved from users is that PF is very 'clicky' in that users have to click into a workunit, click approve, go back to list, click another one there a way to have a summary page so users mass approve without clicking into every invoice/JE Thanks, marty
5 5235 1
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
9/1/2008 5:27 PM

Setting or Changing Password in Resource Mgr    

Started By  Brian Berenger
In the RM I am able to create accounts; however, I cannot seem to find any sort of attribute or variable to set / change in order to select an initial password.  Am I missing something very obvious  I simply wish to upload a value for the users initial password but I can't see what to tie the pwd to.  Thanks in advance! Brian
1 4000 1
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
8/22/2008 8:16 AM


Started By  Sam Simpson
When using WEBRUN to get to xml forms what is usually the value of  the variable
8 4691 1
by  Sam SimpsonJump to last post
8/15/2008 2:47 PM

Collective Commerce    

Started By  TRACY
We are ISERIES, 8.0 and have never used process flow.  I wanted to do some testing as we are moving to 9.0 and I wanted to know how it worked.  Found out we first needed to install Collective Commerce which we own and apparently did not install when we did 8.0 since we did not use it.  When IT went to install he gets this error: Warning: Overwriting config parameters in /LAW8/ccs/lawson/processflow/EvtMgr.ini Attaching Java program to /LAW8/ccs/lawson/processflow/jars/pfengine.jar. Error wh...
1 4412 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
8/14/2008 1:20 AM

Web run notes    

Started By  Thuy Thiem
Good morning, I try to extract the invoice attachment (invoice comments), but I get more than I'm looking for.  How can I get just the comment (red line)         Here is the result: TITLE=Comments D:0=Short paid $ 97.68 per buyer. The PO set up this item (481-952) 16.27 per case. Invoice line2 not matching to the po cost. K:0=K1=0010&K2= 12134&K3=032-272292&K4=000&K5=0000 R:0=writeattach.exe_OUT=TEXT&_PDL=PROD81&_FN=APINVOICE&_IN=APISET1&K1=0010&K2=12134&K3=0322D272...
3 5231 1
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
8/12/2008 10:00 AM

ProcessFlow Attachments 9.0    

Started By  Stef
I know attachments can be an issue within PF but I am curious about the ability to FTP static documents from one server to the next across fire walls (security issues would be our issue of course) and have the document reside on the PF server and allow for that document to be selected and attached along with a request.. We have internal customers that reside outside of our network of servers and would need to be able to attach supporting documentation along with their requests. The document woul...
3 4637 3
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
8/12/2008 9:58 AM

An AGS challenge... (ags approval)    

Started By  Shane Jones
Okay.... I have a challenging task that I have been told by Lawson is impossible but I disagree and have been doing research.   I am hoping someone else may have thoughts on my idea.... I want to have send the approver of a processflow an email that includes a link to either approve or decline an action RIGHT FROM THE EMAIL.   I have asked Lawson and was told it is impossible but the 'display exec' includes an okay button updates something in a table to tell ProcessFlow that approval was grant...
3 4621 3
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
8/12/2008 9:49 AM

Pflow.out Error:Cgi call failed    

Started By  JudeBac
Good afternoon all, A Lawson Professional Service consultant was hired to install CCBASE with PF. For several hours (in a span of 2 months), we still do not have a processflow to show. Using the KB article 540870, we designed a simple flow with just start-email-user_node-end and tested it using the instruction 'Testing the ProcessFlow Installation' of the Collaborative Commerce Base with ProcessFlow Standard Installation Guide Version 8.0.3, Windows. The email in the flo went throught, but the...
1 6433 1
by  JudeBacJump to last post
8/8/2008 3:54 PM

Duplicate Nodes    

Started By  Aida
Has anyone experienced nodes duplicated in the flows.  User action nodes or a Branch  The duplicate node has the same id.  Any ideas how this might happen
3 5073 0
by  vc727Jump to last post
8/7/2008 6:28 PM

Process Flow Performance    

Started By  Deleted User
We have started using PF heavily last month, and we have noticed PF performance is not good Upon releasing multiple AP invoices for approval into PF, it can take up to 4 hours before the workunit hits the correct in-basket. We also noticed the email node, takes about 10 min to fire off an email and go on to the next node. Help!!
2 4154 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
8/5/2008 11:24 AM

AGS to RD30 not working    

Started By  Shane Jones
Can anyone see what is wrong with this:   The AGS works in process flow when I 'Test' it however when I run it through the personnel action it returns that a 'field is required' Any thoughts _PDL=LOGAN&_TKN=RD30.1&_EVT=ADD&_RTN=DATA&_LFN=ALL&_TDS=IGNORE&FC=Add&IDH-ID=&IDH-DESCRIPTION=&IDH-ID-TYPE=Employee&LMV-NAME-FIRST=&LMV-NAME-LAST=&IDH-WEB-USER=&WUR-TYPE=EM&IDH-STATUS=1&WUR-COMPANY=&WUR-EMPLOYEE=&LMV-E-MAI1=&WUR-PRODLINE=&WUR-ACCESS=N&WUR-ALLOWJOBQUEUE=N&_DELIM=09&_OUT=TEXT&_EOT=TRUE
4 5069 1
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
8/1/2008 7:17 PM

Update Activity Node    

Started By  Deleted User
Has anyone created a flow to update using the Resource Update Activity NODE from  external file
4 4706 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
7/29/2008 1:53 PM

mss process flow allow hiring mgr access to action changes    

Started By  Deleted User
In MSS using Process Flow; we have to have the current manager kick off the promotion action as they are the only one with access to their direct reports data. They kick off a promotion moving the person to the new dept and new hiring manager. We had hoped to have the current manager fill in only some of the fields for the pa52 action and the new hiring manager fill in the pay rate and other info as a change to the pa52 action. But, we are stuck on the fact that the system will not allow (th...
3 4958 2
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
7/23/2008 9:16 AM


Started By  Shari
Not sure if I should post this under security or ProcessFlow...but here goes: In LSF9 (windows/SQL Server/8.0.3 apps) - I have created an RSSAdmin task for ProcessFlow.  I would like to give them access to the ProcessFlow admin tool (/bpm/'>http:///bpm/ but only limit to the RSS work units.  We also use ProcessFlow in HR areas as well.  Is there a way to do this (should I post this under security) Thanks for the input! -Shari
5 4556 1
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
7/23/2008 8:49 AM

Persistent Variables    

Started By  Terry P
Are there other variables available within the flow itself besides the very limited ones listed in the manual I'm trying to get the LOGINID of the person who is actually taking USERACTION on the work unit. Since it's not something known at the time the WFWK record is created, but instead at the time a user selections an action, I can't pass the variable in the normal way. I need to know this, so I can do a query on the person's RD30 WEBUSER record (I'm picking up their BUYER-CODE and EMAIL). ...
4 4871 0
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
7/1/2008 12:19 PM

Modify Inbasket Display    

Started By  Terry P
Is there a way to modify the inbasket display so a user can see if there is anything in it for that task - without clicking on it and opening it Example: Inbasket   Supervisor   PO Approval *   HR Manager You could see the PO Approval task has at least one work unit needing attention. What form or .js is used display this We are on 8.0.3 Portal. Thanks!
11 5378 1
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
7/1/2008 12:14 PM

LSF ProcessFlow    

Started By  Tom Buvia
Does anyone have an example flow for the approval of requisitions I am specifically looking for examples to get the approvers fro a requester from the old wf12.4 the new Task Category and hoe to retrieve emails for a requester using the resource directory query.   Thank you,   Tom
1 4029 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
6/27/2008 12:04 PM

WEBRUN node - Can Host Name under Server Info be a variable?    

Started By  Sreenivasa Komma
Can the Host Name under Server Information of WEBRUN node properties be a varaible In our case, Host Name changes as we go from region from region. If it can be a variable, then I can read the host name from a table and store in that variable. I remember Lawson mentioning it cannot be done in 8.0. Just wondering if there is any change in 9.0 Thanks Sreeni
1 4200 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
6/25/2008 1:20 PM

PF Designer - ERROR    

Started By  Sreenivasa Komma
After the installation of PFI, when I open and try to download the flows from Unix server into PF Designer, I get this error:  Error: Unable to communicate with ProcessFlow RMI Server. (DB Return Code = 0) Any help is appreciated Thanks sk
2 7309 1
by  Sreenivasa KommaJump to last post
6/19/2008 1:12 PM

SSO and AGS    

Started By  Deleted User
I am attempting to run AGS calls from outside the Lawson 'environment' in 9.0. In 8.x it was a simple HTTP authenticate and passing the data in the URL to /ags.exe. However, in 9.0 with the session based management, things are a little trickier using /sso/SSOServlet. I have read the post for the '.Net 9.0 AGS call', but we are not using .Net and I feel something got lost in translation. I have attempted to send an HTTP POST to /sso/SSOServlet with the documented fields and faked cookies. Yet, al...
11 10616 5
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
5/29/2008 5:20 PM

Workunits viewable by all    

Started By  stcyrk
I have created a req approval flow.  Defined directors by req location.  During training, people were initially seeing only their specific req location in their inbasker for approval. Now, anyone defined as a Director, is seeing all workunits that require not approval, not just those specific to their req location.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
3 4551 1
by  stcyrkJump to last post
5/21/2008 12:58 PM

LSF9 PF startup order    

Started By  John Henley
With LSF9, Lawson delivers pfserv.cfg to start pfserv in this order: pfserv.start.order rmi em bpm sch However PF documentation shows this order: startpfem startpfbpm startpfrmi startpfsch What I'm finding is that the documented order is correct, and that the delivered pfserv.cfg is incorrect.  In particular, if EM is started after RMI, it brings RMI down in some cases. Has anyone experienced this
1 7207 0
by  Jason BeardJump to last post
5/19/2008 1:07 PM
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