Forum: IPA/ProcessFlow

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PF to send supervisor FTE worked    

Started By  Shane Jones
I am looking to create a Process Flow that will send supervisors a list of their associates with the FTE number from the employee table and the 'Actual' FTE over the past 4 pay periods (bi-weekly). I want to run this once a quarter - anyone have anything like this Thanks Shane
1 13505 1
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
10/4/2007 2:03 PM

Inbasket approval data and RD30 access flag    

Started By  Roger French
I want a second opinion. For inbasket approvals for processflow, the Access Flag must = Y to see the actual data for an approval (such as a personnel action for ESS/MSS). If the Access Flag = N, then the data will be blank as the flag restricts you to your own employee information. Just an FYI, it does not appear any of the pflow documentation says the access flag must = Y to see approval data. Can anyone else confirm this about the access flag and the inbasket Thanks in ...
3 12710 1
by  Roger FrenchJump to last post
6/26/2007 11:47 AM

Java Process hung    

Started By  Vijay Ananthu
Hi I have got the following error in pflow.out file. Process Flow EvtMgrReader read error: Connection reset by peer: JVM_recv in socket input stream read How can i resolve this error without applying any new service pack My Client is more concerned about applying any new patch. Thanks, Vijay
4 13861 0
by  Vijay AnanthuJump to last post
7/3/2007 11:18 AM

Processflow and HTTP redirect    

Started By  Deleted User
Has anyone successfully configured PF with HTTP redirect I found in 803 after turning HTTP redirect on that PF has quit working. Lawson suggests setting up a virtual IP for PF or not using HTTPS at all, but I was wondering if anyone has any other ideas TIA.
0 13191 0
6/27/2007 1:27 PM

How to communicate from Lawson to third-party appication?    

Started By  Asim
How to communicate from Lawson to thridpart appication Is it possible to post data to thirdparty HTTP server Thanks, Asim
1 13408 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
7/17/2007 11:39 PM

RSS and Process Flow?    

Started By  Deleted User
Can process flow be used with RSS (xml) 08.01 00 5214
3 12445 1
by  Roger FrenchJump to last post
7/26/2007 4:59 PM

Email Escalation    

Started By  Sam Simpson
We have just installed env 803 and applications in AIX box. Everything seems running okay except the escalation email in processflow seems to sent the same email every 15 minutes until the in-basket is answered. Did we miss something in configuration here Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
0 13268 1
7/27/2007 2:20 PM

PO Approval Flow    

Started By  Deleted User
How do I turn on PO Approval flow Is there something that is equivalent to turning on requisitions and the flag on RQ01 I was looking through the documentation and I couldn't even find out about RQ01 which we are already using in production for requisitions. It seems like I am overlooking a document somewhere or there isn't a PO approval flow except PO flows I am not interested in like grant management. Thanks --JayR
5 15277 2
by  John HenleyJump to last post
10/29/2007 2:09 PM

Resource Query in 9.0    

Started By  Roger French
I'd like to use the Resource Query node in PFlow 9.0 to get user info (id, email, etc.) Do I need also BCI and/or Processflow Integrator installed to have the Resource Query node work Or can I use Resource Query without BCI Thanks, -Roger
1 12263 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
11/28/2007 7:33 PM

Workunit Purge?    

Started By  klippe
I created a very simple Processflow that does nothing more than send me an email and exit. I tested the creation and execution by initiating the flow from within a LID form. Everything worked fine. I received the email, could view the completed workunit in the Processflow Administrator console and all was fine...until...I accidentally created an infinite loop that continuously created workunits (~10,000) of them. (Talk about clogging the network and stress testing the email server!) I...
1 12771 0
by  Michael ThedfordJump to last post
1/17/2008 8:59 PM

PF: Linking to Inbasket    

Started By  Deleted User
Is it possible to create a link that points to a specific requisition within the inbasket I have the following as specifics: a) customform.htm - custom inbasket form to display the requisition that needs approval b) requester id c) requesition number I tried using 'Insert Form URL' but didn't find anything that will lead me to the inbasket - just all lawson forms. Thank you for your help.
3 12084 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
1/7/2008 10:45 PM

PF: AGS Node Issue when blanking out data    

Started By  klippe
I've created an Advanced Trigger in a custom version of the PR12 form. Using 1000-WF-ADD-VAR-SETUP, I add variables that correspond to all the fields on the form. The trigger kicks off a Processflow that sends any data changes to a custom approver InBasket. If the approver approves the changes, an AGS Node will submit the changes via an AGS Change call to the real PR12 form. Everything was working upon initial testing. I could Add, Change and Delete data. Upon closer inspection of th...
1 12243 1
by  klippeJump to last post
2/13/2008 4:37 PM

Portal Inbasket    

Started By  John Crudele
We use portal inbasket for RQ approvals in 8.03. The recsum.htm allows us to see the detail of the work unit. We are in the process of upgrading to LSF9 and 9.0 apps. In testing process flow and rq approval we cannot drill down to the work unit detail. The response we received about this issue is that the recsum.htm file does not work in 9.0 if you use the portal inbasket only with the web inbasket. If we need to see the deatils of the work unit, it would need to be built using design ...
2 10842 1
by  John CrudeleJump to last post
1/24/2008 12:15 PM

Smart Notification for Inbasket    

Started By  Deleted User
Is there a way to create a Smart Notification when someone has something in their ProcessFlow inbasket
5 5420 0
by  klippeJump to last post
2/13/2008 4:35 PM

agsid_RETURN_CODE is not working    

Started By  Shane Jones
I have a Pflow that has four AGS calls to update information and then I have a Branch that looks to see if any failed != 0 || != 0 || != 0 This is in a branch but does not work....   I just want to send the flow in a different direction if any of the AGS calls fail.   Any ideas
5 5773 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
2/24/2008 9:46 PM

Workflow User Attribute for ProcessFlow    

Started By  Ellen Melton
We are now LSF9 using only LAUA.  We have ProcessFlow Standard and are using RSS.  I'm trying to determine when the Workflow User Attribute on the RMID must be set to 1.  The ProcessFlow  documentation indicates 1 for ALL ProcessFlow users. At this point, we have no approval process flows setup - only email notifications.  Even in RSS, we only use the Shopping Cart, we haven't rolled out approval routing. So for email notification process flows, do I have to have the 1 set in the Workflow User...
2 5983 1
by  Ellen MeltonJump to last post
3/5/2008 1:23 PM

DME select criteria - two fields    

Started By  Terry P
Is it possible in the ProcessFlow String Wizard to make a 'selection criteria' between two fields instead of just a field and a value You can select a field from the drop down box for the one on the left, but the one on the right does not. When I tried to just type in the field name, it took it, but does not return the expected results. For example I want to select if: SOH-QTY
4 5485 0
by  Terry PJump to last post
3/14/2008 6:32 PM

WEBRUN and link to REPORT    

Started By  Shane Jones
Anyone know how to create a link to the output report of a job.... I am creating a flow that will run a job and then I want to email someone a link to the report output.   I saw something like this while at CUE but I can not find the string for the email. Thanks Shane
1 4752 2
by  k-rockJump to last post
3/25/2008 11:54 AM

How to create user action for PO22.1    

Started By  Terry P
I'm trying to create a process flow that would do the following: Display the PO info from PO20.1 Based on the user action, would release the PO using PO22.1 (Can't do it from PO20 without changing the Buyer Code on the PO) Based on the user action, would 'issue final' using PO20.1 I haven't had a problem doing steps 1 and 3, but I can't figure out the API call that would use a 'R' in the FC field of row 1. I can do the call to display the PO on the first line, but can't get p...
1 4765 1
by  Terry PJump to last post
3/31/2008 8:43 PM

FileAccess passing data    

Started By  Deleted User
I am pulling data  from Resource Module  that's working file I have connected to File Access module I assume I need another Parameter in the Input data BOX on the File Access Properties.  I have been able to key into and write a file. I want to pass Data from my resource extract.  I have been to 8.0 class but no 9.0 I have tried to find this in manuals .   .
8 5531 2
by  John HenleyJump to last post
4/3/2008 5:42 PM

ProcessFlow Variables    

Started By  MattD
I am new to working with ProcessFlow.  Can someone please explain to me how to get variables from the trigger to the processflow itself  I am unsure how to call the variables from within when setting up a flow in ProcessFlow designer.  I appreciate any help anyone can offer.  Thanks.
6 9013 2
by  MattDJump to last post
4/17/2008 6:19 PM

1st of month following 30 days...    

Started By  Shane Jones
I am trying to use processflow to create a date based on the associate's hire date....   Any suggestions on how I can calculate the first of the month following 30 days I tried adding 30 days to hire date but then It still needs to figure the first of the next month ...   Right now I can not get a month formula to even calculate the month format correctly HIRED = query_DATE_HIRED pfHIRED = pfDate(HIRED,'mm/dd/yyyy') plus30 = AddDay(pfHIRED, 30) MONTH = getMonth(plus30) I ALMOST HAD IT .....
7 6645 0
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
4/19/2008 1:11 PM

SMTP Server where in PF?    

Started By  Deleted User
We recently upgraded our mail server. Where is the setup or config of the smtp/mail server for all processflow processess My thinking that the smtp field where you login to the PF designer is where you specify that - but somehow that doesn't have any effect to our changes Thanks in advance!
3 4905 1
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
4/22/2008 3:12 PM

MSGBuilder not returning Query value    

Started By  TracyO
It has been a long time since I have created a new processflow and am having a problem with my MSGBuilder. I have a query against ICACTIVITY with a realtationship to ICTRANS ( I need this table to get the operator id). I am then sending my MSGBUilder in ane email but am getting a blank where the Operator Id should be populated. I have tried this 2 ways and still get blanks: The following IC24 records are not released.  Please research: User -  Store- Document - and I tried The followin...
4 4977 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
5/1/2008 12:51 PM

WebService and XML    

Started By  Chandra
Need help in understanding how to use WebService and XML activities in PF integrator. For example, how can I use amazon webservice to retrieve and present data I've googled and searched in Lawson and Lawsonguru with no luck.  Thanks in advance
3 8257 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
5/8/2008 9:22 PM
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