Forum: IPA/ProcessFlow

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Setting up inbasket in portal      

Started By  Deleted User
Hello, I am new to Lawson and have a question. How do I make sure that inbasket in displayed in portal I have set myself up as a administrator, verified LX00, changed WFUSER value on my RD30 -> LX95 to 1, verified with hosting company that inabsket servelet calls are working. I am not seeing the inbasket in my portal still.
6 17736 0
by John Henley

Process Flow scheduler      

Started By  Deleted User
We would like to schedule a flow which has to run once in two weeks on a given day. How do we set up in the scheduler It does not have this option. Is there a trick to do this
4 16389 0
by John Henley

Process Flow      

Started By  Greg Moeller
Hi all!! Anyone have Process Flow running on a Citrix environment How do/did you address the issue of the pfeng file that contains config information per user It stores the file in one place, and the next person that logs into the Designer has the settings of the user that most recently logged in. From our understanding, it is using the Web User to determine laua security, and I guess we really can't have one user have access to all of it as there is HR and Payroll data out th...
0 14458 0

Process Flow - Formatting      

Started By  Deleted User
How can I add some formatting to the e-mails generated by the Lawson process flow For example, how can I add bold text or italic text
1 13484 0
by John Henley

Process Flow - Query design      

Started By  Deleted User
I need to create a process flow that to assist with auditing emergency contact details. I want to send an e-mail to each individual employee with a list of all the emergency contacts they have recorded in the system. I can only seem to create a flow that sends the employee one email for each contact they have in the system. Thanks for any help with this.
3 14151 0
by John Henley


Started By  Roger French
Trying to set up a new job schdedule in SCheduler... The ONLY process I have in the Process Name drop down list box when I try to add a new job is 'Broadcast'. However I have other processes which are NOT showing in the drop down list box.. The process is defined in WF07.2 with the Service. How can I get the correct process(es) to appear in the drop down list box in scheduler Thank you, Roger PF : Env:
2 13851 0
by Bill Ianni

Event Manager not starting      

Started By  Roger French
Env: Apps: IOS: OS: W2k3 PF: I've installed PF on server. All install seemed to go ok. I try to start up the event manager on a command line with all the correct parameters. em 1 No error message appears and no em.out file is produced. I try the Event Manager console and em is NOT running. I checked my web.xml file (ok) checked setting my environment variables (ok) stopped, restarted rmi (ok) checked KB articles (o...
3 14058 0
by Roger French

Event Manager crashing      

Started By  Roger French
Env: OS: Windows Apps: IOS/LOGAN: CCSBase: Processflow: Java 1.4.2 Event Manager seems to be crashing. I lauch em.bat directly on the server console in a command prompt window. I have set all my variables (CGIDIR,GENDIR,LAW_JAVA_HOME,etc). I have checked the em.out file and after a few minitues (moments) of seeming to be up, I get the entry in the em.out log. Also I have bolded here the section of the em.out file where I th...
2 15109 0
by Roger French

PF Between 8.02x & 8.03x      

Started By  Sam Simpson
We are upgrading to environment 8.03.x and wanted to know if there is a difference between the two version. Do I have to recompile all my .flo files I was told that there is no more .flo but the new files are .xml...I thought this is in LSF9. I was just wondering how the migration from 8.02 to 8.03 takes place. Thanks for any infomation on this.
1 13744 0
by John Henley

Inbasket Drillaround - Variables      

Started By  Roger French
Looking at the Variables drillaround within Inbasket on a task. The Variables drill around does return the names of the fields on the drill around, but *Not* the data (fields) itself for the drill around. I looked at the IDA call by itself and again it is only returning the field names of the workunit of the variables, not the data itself. I tried it with security turned off and still no data. The folder and the messages drill around *DOES* work. Has anyone else noticed ...
1 13233 0
by Roger French

Display Exec html file creation???      

Started By  Shane Jones
We have a personnel action that has a process flow connected to it for approvals. The process flow uses an HRAction node for approval and it does not display the correct information in the web inbasket. I know that I need to modify an HTML file for displaying the information and put the name of that file in the 'Display Exec' box of the properties. I just want to display the field from the personnel action... Why do I have to set this up in more then one place... Does anyone know how to ...
5 15127 0
by Shane Jones

Process flow AGS - change page 2      

Started By  Shane Jones
I am trying the change the second page of a form within a flow... I have an ags call that works great to change an item on page 1 but I think a 'page down' is required to change the second page This AGS works for the 5th line of page 1... PDL=&_TKN=WF22.1&_EVT=CHG&_RTN=MSG&_LFN=ALL&_TDS=IGNORE&FC=Change&WFV-WORKUNIT=&WFV-VARIABLE-NAME5=Effect_Date&WFV-SEQ-NBR5=20&LINE-FC5=C&WFV-VARIABLE-VALUE5=&_DELIM=09&_OUT=TEXT&_EOT=TRUE I need to change the 6th line of the second pag...
4 14695 0
by John Henley

Display Exec for Journal Entry approval      

Started By  John Crudele
Does anyone have a display exec file for journal entry approvals they would be willing to share. Thanks JC
0 14052 0

Processflow - Ags change/add user field value      

Started By  Shane Jones
I am trying to add/change a value of a user field through processflow.... I can do this through microsoft add-ins but when I run a similar ags call in portal I get a 'change complete - continue' message with NO CHANGE TO THE USER FIELD.... http://servername/servlet/ags _PDL=TEST&_TKN=HR11.1&_EVT=CHG&_RTN=DATA&_LFN=ALL&_TDS=IGNORE&FC=Change&EMP-COMPANY=****&EMP-EMPLOYEE=****&EFFECT-DATE=20070226&HRU-FLD-NBR1=****&WS-FLD-NBR=****&VALUE1=****&WS-LINE-FC1=****&WS-VALUE1=****&_DELIM=09&...
2 15687 0
by John Henley

Daylight Saving TIme      

Started By  Deleted User
Date & TIME stamp has not changed for work units within Process Flow What would control the date and time
0 13551 0

Querrying External Datasource      

Started By  Sanford Barton
I know that ProcessFlow Integrator would be the best option to do this, but we don't have it, and aren't likely to get it anytime soon. What I would like to do is to be able to querry a table in an Oracle database in a flow which manages adding new users to our system. The table would reside in Lawson database, but I would prefer that use a seperate tablespace for obvious reasons. Is it possible to set this up so that I can querry it via the querry node in pflow If n...
9 13732 0
by John Henley

Length of service variable      

Started By  Shane Jones
I am trying to do something that I thought would be simple. I have a flow that is pulling the associates hire date and effective date.... I want to calculate the length of service in days and I am not able to get this to work... I have tried a bunch of different formulas and none of them seem to be working. I can not even do a simple )date1-date2) I found formulas like: datediff(var1,var2) (date1-date2)*millisecondsToDays ((ddate-bdate)/365.25) dayElapsed(date...
1 13385 0
by John Henley

Cannot start RDB server      

Started By  John Costa
Lawson applications version 8.1.0, MSP3 Environment version 8.0.3, ESP3 Logan remote configuration with separate application/database and web servers SQL-Server 2003 Windows 2003 - Enterprise Edition Java SDK 1.3.1, release 18 Tomcat 4.0.6 Rebooted my Lawson application and web servers today and am now unable see the Process Flow In-Basket within Portal. Using Lawson KB article 556239, I have verified that the WFUSER attribute for the 'lawson' user ID is properly set. I'...
3 13299 0
by Deleted User
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