Forum: IPA/ProcessFlow

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Data Iterator Question    

Started By  Brian Berenger
I'm using the data interator to input a file.   The file is comma seperated.  The fields are 'Name', 'ID', 'Email','Company', etc. I have four variables, varName, varID, varEmail, varCompany What I want to do is simply loot is through the file and assign each of the fields to its corresponding variable in an assignment node that is nested within the data iterator loop.  I do not want to have to read the whole line into one variable and then use code to parse the line into its fields.  The prob...
12 8909 3
by  Dave CurtisJump to last post
7/30/2018 6:09 PM

FTP node    

Started By  Srini Rao
How do I use the FTP node in IPA I'm not finding the place for FTP URL ,USER and password etc
9 6207 5
by  JeremyJump to last post
2/13/2019 1:22 AM

Full Audit Log    

Started By  Richard Lyons
For my current client, I have been requested to extract employee termination history to show why the employee was terminated.  I can easily do this in S3, but I am not sure where to look in the Landmark database.  Can anyone point me in the right direction  In S3, the reason code I need was stored in the PERSACTHST table.  I am hoping there is an easy way to extract the data I need out of the Audit Log.
16 8054 4
by  HDAustin13Jump to last post
12/6/2018 8:15 PM

Managing Flows --Release VS Restart    

Started By  tambrosi
Hello All,    Have a question that I cannot find no doc on.    When using the Info Rich Client, there is a Release and Restart option available.    I am trying to find out what the Restart option would be used for.     IE:   If a flow that has multiple nodes ends up failing for some reason, and goes to failed status,  Will the restart pick up at the failed point or does it go back and execute the flow from the beginning  Thanks Terry
2 4277 0
by  LisaCJump to last post
2/13/2019 9:34 PM

ListAttachments, ReadAttachment    

Started By  Garry Ferwerda
I am in the process of modifying some flows and converting the CGI getattachment processing to the ListAttachments service.  I am having trouble getting the ATTACHMENT-NAME and ATTACHMENT-TEXT values.  I am able to access orther values such as LIST numRecords value.  I took a XML file returned from a call to the service in a browser and created an .xsd file from it.  I don't know if the issue I am having is with the xsd or how I am trying to access the values in the flow.  Here is the error I am...
1 3656 0
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
12/20/2018 6:04 PM

USPS Address Validation API Through IPA    

Started By  Dave Curtis
Anyone using IPA to do validation of address USPS has an API that allows the use of XML calls and returns address validation through their API.  Was wondering if anyone has done this.   Dave
3 6338 5
by  Ja'Tia ThompsonJump to last post
1/9/2019 3:40 PM

Change the sys cmd user to pfuser?    

Started By  NHBB
We have a system command node configured to invoke Windows PowerShell on the application server and run a PowerShell script file.  We need to use the PowerShell Active Directory module to update Active Directory. Currently pfuser is the account that can update Active Directory.  The system command node runs as Lawson so we get a security violation when the PowerShell script runs.  Can the system command node be configured to run as a different user  Configuring the Sys Cmd tab in Process Server...
3 3663 1
by  Joan HerzfeldtJump to last post
8/15/2018 11:58 AM

Send query results to delimited text file (*.txt)    

Started By  HDAustin13
Hello All, I am working on a project that requires an IPA to send query results to a format of delimited text file (*.txt) which use special characters like (|,~, ^) to separate each record. Can any one please advise on how it can be done in IPA (IPD Designer CU70) Thanks in advance, Han
8 4124 3
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
1/10/2019 2:11 PM

Update user's attributes in AD    

Started By  Rkapoor
Goal  - Capture employee changes from Lawson and update AD attributes with new changes, such as phone number/Manager's info/Activate/Deactivate user. I am planning to read HRHistory table to capture the changes at end of the day into CSV file, then  update AD with new information. Is it possible to use sycmd node to run power-shell script to update AD
3 8523 1
by  TBonneyJump to last post
10/1/2018 1:03 PM

Remove Requester Identity with IPA    

Started By  SaraP
I have an automated flow to disable my users but I am stuck on the process to remove the Requester Identity.  I currently am trying to use a Resource Update node, but it deletes the entire user profile.  Any help is truly appreciated!!
1 3346 0
by  AnnHJump to last post
11/1/2018 1:02 PM

Hide Lawson Ribbon Bar In Custom Inbasket Display    

Started By  Rkapoor
I have created a custom design studio page for inbasket display exec, the page shows up fine in user's task, but it also displays the Lawson grey ribbon as well with options of Help and User's preferences. Is there way to hide this ribbon, see attaché screen shot... Thanks
0 3484 0
10/22/2018 4:32 PM

BN32 update specific line?    

Started By  Lance Jurgensen
I am trying to update BN32.1 lines but it always wants to update line 1. The query brings back the DC plans that do not have a stop date for terminated employees. Is there a way to determine what line a record is on  In my example I have Benefit Type = DC and in the form the inquire brings back 3 lines, a DC04, DC02 and a DC05. My transaction string is as follows and I'm guessing I need to do something on the highlighted entry below _PDL=&_TKN=BN32.1&_EVT=CHG&_RTN=DATA&_LFN=ALL&_TDS=IGNORE&F...
8 4657 0
by  Lance JurgensenJump to last post
11/5/2018 8:31 PM

AGS call to HR13.1    

Started By  Lance Jurgensen
Hello, I have been looking and trying everything I have found but still can not get past the Ok to continue prompt. Is there documentation somewhere on these for each form My AGS call to update the STUDENT flag to N _PDL=HRDEV&_TKN=HR13.1&_EVT=CHG&_RTN=DATA&_LFN=ALL&_TDS=IGNORE&FC=C&EMD-COMPANY=15&EMD-EMPLOYEE=123456&EMD-SEQ-NBR=2&EMD-STUDENT=N&VERIFY-DATE=&EFFECT-DATE=20181210&CREATE-TRANS=N&_DELIM=09&_OUT=XML&_EOT=TRUE I'm sure I'm missing something on the _PDL... I have looked in the ...
6 4000 1
by  Lance JurgensenJump to last post
12/10/2018 6:29 PM

Set oCatValue with multiple Filter Values    

Started By  Kert490
I have setup the users Filters in IPA so that the Filter Values correspond to 'Submitter' and and 'Approver' that will get emailed.  Currently I set the oCatValue to the Filter Value and get back the Email addresses associate with the users with that Filter Value. The requirements want us to allow multiple Filter Values, so I would like to do something like oCatValue = '3602402355,3601403355' where 3602402355 and 3601403355 are different filter values and get back all emails for users associate...
2 3739 1
by  Kert490Jump to last post
1/22/2019 6:51 PM

Lawson IPA Javascript Arrays    

Started By  Kert490
I am developing a IPA workflow to import data from a spreadsheet and then create Lawson Transactions from each record in the spreadsheet.  I am using a double dimension array in javascript to store the lines and columns from the spreadsheet before I validate and then import the data with Lawson Transaction nodes.   When I run the process on the development server, it runs fine and the Transaction nodes insert the data in the database with no errors.  When I deploy to the development server it ...
7 5792 2
by  Kert490Jump to last post
1/7/2019 8:42 PM

Spooling Delimited pipe text output file    

Started By  HDAustin13
Hello everyone, I am trying to create an IPA flow that generates an output as the 'delimited text' output file (as shown below) but keep having an issue of it does not spool the output file even thought it said so in the log file. Sample Delimited text which begin and end of each with double tildes (~~) and separate each column with the pipe (|):  ~~ContractNumber|ContractName|Location~~ Does any one know if this possible to get done in IPD version Here is how I did:  S...
2 3223 2
by  HDAustin13Jump to last post
1/28/2019 12:09 PM

Cant delete file on Remote Server - V11    

Started By  Tre
A file gets created on a completely separate server. I do work with the file, then I need to delete it from the remote server . . . Im using the File Access node to delete it, but it is not finding the path, actually doesnt even find the server. I have the server, user and password already in Richclient (sys config) under the FileTransfer tab (don't see spot to create one under FileAccess tab).   Any Help
5 4594 2
by  TreJump to last post
1/21/2019 3:02 PM

Process Flow and Proxy Users    

Started By  pops
We Designed a Process Flow that has a Submitter and an Approver.  Sometimes, one of the users go on Vacation so I create a Proxy User for the person going on Vacation.  However, when running the Process Flow, the email that states that 'this needs to be approved' goes to the person on vacation not to the Proxy User.  Same thing for submitting a file to be processed by the processflow (workflow).  Any emails that would go to the Submitter should go to the Proxy user but they still go the Submitte...
5 3435 2
by  popsJump to last post
1/22/2019 8:46 PM

Proxy User    

Started By  pops
We have a workflow that has a submitter and an approver.  Instead of me being the submitter and approver, I made a proxy user for both.  The file was submitted and goes through the workflow.  The proxy user gets the file in his inbasket to approve or reject but I am getting the email not him.  Is there something we must do in order for him to get the email instead of me  We want to use this feature for when people are on vacation or out of the office for an extended period of time.   Thank yo...
0 3472 1
1/22/2019 7:38 PM

How can a user easily pass dynamic parameters to a ProcessFlow Process    

Started By  Kert490
I am trying to find an easy was that a user can easily pass 3 dynamic parameters to a Process flow and initiate the process.  I created jobs before that wait for a file and then read it, but I would like to do it from a custom Form if possible.  I'm not finding what I need so far.  Any ideas
5 3636 2
by  Kert490Jump to last post
2/4/2019 9:02 PM

Dynamic Date Trigger Variables from Process Trigger    

Started By  PP
I have a Process Trigger created for an Process Flow with 2 date trigger variables. I am trying to schedule this IPA to run everyday. I want the date variables to dynamically populate with the respective date of the day it is running. For example, if it kicks off today the 2 trigger variables should be today's date, tomorrow it should be tomorrow's date and so on and so forth. Attached is the image of what I am trying to do. What should I put in the value of the Trigger variables CheckBeginDate ...
6 3159 1
by  Bob CanhamJump to last post
2/8/2019 2:43 PM

SQL query to list all of work units in Rich Client    

Started By  HDAustin13
Hello All, I need to write a sql query to list of all work units that have been ran on the system (those that are shown in the Work Units, Rich Client tool) including all status of Completed, Failed, Cancelled, etc. Can any one please advise which database tables that I can use for this query Thanks in advance. Han
6 3680 2
by  HDAustin13Jump to last post
2/11/2019 12:07 PM


Started By  ALW
How do I give a Lawson user access to the WFWK form  I am a Lawson user with the Admin role and I can access the form without a problem.  Another user who tries to access the WFWK for gets the following error:
6 4242 2
by  edisonJump to last post
2/13/2019 4:43 PM

Running Stored Procedure From IPA    

Started By  Rkapoor
I am trying to run the stored procedure using sql query node and selecting run sql procedure. When I click on select button, it connects me to the sql server, all I see is user ids defined in that database, I don't see the list of  Stored procedures. any suggestions why I can't see the stored procedures... I don't have access to sql server. I can run the sql query on this sql server, no issue there. I can run the stored procedure if I select type sql query,build, other(no SELECT) type proced...
5 3482 0
by  RkapoorJump to last post
2/13/2019 4:06 PM

SQL Transaction Node MERGE - Stopped Working    

Started By  FireGeek21
We have a process flow whereby the final SQL Transaction seems to have stopped working.  We can execute the UPDATE function via SQL Mgmt Studio but it will not function in the process flow.  The flow doesn't have any errors in the log file.  All columns are in the right order.  I have replaced the node.  I have rewrote the whole flow.  Nothing seems to work.   Thoughts   MERGE dbName.dbo.tblTarget as T USING dbName.dbo.tblSource as S ON (T.PeopleID = S.PeopleID) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE...
1 3186 0
by  FireGeek21Jump to last post
2/13/2019 8:58 PM
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