Forum: IPA/ProcessFlow

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Create PO via PO23.1 in PF    

Started By  Lynne
I am attempting to create a PO via PO23.1 in my PF.  I would prefer to do it this way as opposed to running a PO100 job from PF.  My problem is that I have to inquire on the PO23.1 before doing an 'Add'.  I have read some posts about this same problem on different forms and have not been able to get mine to work.  On one it said that you had to have _EVT=CHG.  I've tried that and _EVT=ADD.  I also saw where you had to have the hidden key, _HK, set.  I also tried that but am not sure I have all t...
16 5290 2
by  PFlowNerdJump to last post
9/7/2017 3:28 PM

Intercept Action in custom inbasket    

Started By  MarkH2002
I am trying to figure out how I can intercept the action being taken on an inbasket workunit and perform a test.  If the test = true the action will be taken, if false show an alert.  Similar to what you would do in design studio with OnBeforeTransaction.
4 4609 1
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
9/14/2017 1:02 AM

How to use IPA to importdb    

Started By  JasonP
Any ideas on how to run importdb via IPA
15 8422 6
by  mthedfordJump to last post
6/5/2017 9:20 PM

Trigger Node in IPA    

Started By  Gok87
So below is what i am trying to do 1. Submit an action request  2. have a trigger node an trigger a process flow which has an user action in it. 3. Try view the details (actually i want to edit some details) and approve. In the user action under display tab > i confugured as action request.   When i try to open the workunit in the Inbasket i get an error saying ViewException:   Class Name: null Stack Trace: com.lawson.rdtech.opf.OPFNoSuchElementException at com.lawson.rdtech.opf....
1 4447 1
by  NHBBJump to last post
6/27/2017 2:49 PM

WFWK call to LMRK Service failing    

Started By  Vikram Raghava Reddy
Hello, We are upgrading from V9 to V10. I am trying to call a Landmark service using AGS call over WFWK form. Service on the Landmark side is enabled and I am passing all the required parameters (Criteria, Variables and Prodline). When I checked the LPS log under $GENDIR/bpm/, the last message in the log is 'isLPSServiceExistAndEnabled(), sending socket message for isLPSServiceExistAndEnabled'. I assume that there is no response back to the S3 server for the socket call. I checked the BPM servi...
3 3827 0
by  jdeverJump to last post
8/28/2017 2:47 PM

PA Reviews notification via email from IPA    

Started By  Julia
We are trying to create emails to send to supervisors for their upcoming reviews.  I have the query written to gather the data to send and have it is a action node in a message, but I am have trouble determining the best way to parse that data and send to the supervisors their rows of data. Should I be putting this information into a file and parsing that way, should I be able to loop through the email node with using the variables.   I am self taught and have been reading the manuals, reading f...
5 3754 2
by  JuliaJump to last post
9/21/2017 6:52 PM

PFI to IPA Landmark transaction    

Started By  Daniel
Here is the current Landmark transaction node: it returns no data _dataArea='LSAPPS' & _module='pfi' & _objectName='PfiUserCategory' & _actionName='Find' & _actionOperator='NONE' & _actionType='MultipleRecordQuery' & _runAsUser='' & _setName='ByTaskCategoryValueUser' & PfiUserProfile & PfiTask.TaskName='Level1;Level2;Level3' & PfiFilterKey='Req Loc' & PfiUserCategory=''  and here is our PFI query PROD=LOGAN&FILE=WFUSERCAT&INDEX=WFTSET3&KEY=Level1;Level2;Level3=Req Loc=&FIELD=WF-RM-ID;TASK;WOR...
2 5168 2
by  John HenleyJump to last post
6/13/2017 6:28 PM

IPA File Channels    

Started By  Vikram Raghava Reddy
Hey Guys, I have an issue with File channel. The file on the FTP server is getting deleted after the 'Scan Now' action. The WU getting created successfully. Can someone tell what could be reason for the file deletion Thanks, Vikram
2 4219 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
6/5/2017 9:59 PM

Using SysCommand instead of .bat file    

Started By  FireGeek21
I have the following in a .bat file but we are moving to the cloud and cannot use .bat files.  How can I do the same thing using a syscommand node  Or is there a different node/combination of nodes I should use to count the number of a certain type of files in a folder echo off setlocal enableextensions set count=0 for x in (\\servername\appprodline\foldername\*.RQ500) do (set /a count=1 > nul) echo count endlocal   Thanks!
2 3696 1
by  FireGeek21Jump to last post
6/6/2017 12:59 PM

Check If file directory exists, if does not exists create directory    

Started By  agersh
Using V10 IPA is it possible to check if a network directory exits If the directory does not exist then create the directory on the network drive
3 4227 2
by  Kyle JorgensenJump to last post
6/13/2017 1:03 PM

Generate WorkAssignmentExport rows via automation    

Started By  TimC
We are using POSITION.SHORTDESCRIPTION for a JOBCODE for an external provider. However, if that field should change, we need all related workassignments to be caused to write a WORKASSIGNMENTEXPORT record. How do we cause that to happen
1 5951 0
by  TimCJump to last post
6/15/2017 1:55 PM

Terminate flow: Find Actor from DirectSupervior    

Started By  TimC
The action: FindMergedTerminate is called against the Employee biz class. I need to find out the Actor from the DirectSupervisor or from the 'requestor' submitting the flow (which could be the same person). What biz class do I search to find this out
0 3246 0
6/19/2017 12:30 PM

IPA - Req Approval Flow w/ Logic on who to notify    

Started By  Remi
We have a Req Approval flow on our system that was built for us by a Lawson Consultant several years ago.  Most recently, our Purchasing department is interested in seeing how this process flow works in hopes of implementing it for their requisition approval process. There's a portion in the flow that is supposed to get the object ID of the items on the req., account number, and sub account number from the reqline, and from there, determine who in our organization to send the e-mail notificatio...
2 5016 1
by  RemiJump to last post
6/20/2017 2:27 PM

IPA-Adding OS (Environment) Identity    

Started By  Roger French
So, attempting to add the OS Identity using the Resource Update node. This is Landmark on Windows LSF 10.x So in the IPA is working and the Basic LSF Security record using the Resource Update node. The SSOP and the EMSS identities are also added correctly. The OS Environment identity is not. Here is a snippet from the error log of the work unit. The SID is not an attribute to populate in the build in the Resource Node, and thus it can't be manually added. I've already confirmed that...
8 4697 0
by  JimYJump to last post
7/12/2017 2:55 PM

Trigger Process Flow    

Started By  FireGeek21
Is it possible to trigger a process flow (PFI, Lawson S3 v9) if a file is present in a specific folder
4 4397 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
7/12/2017 12:45 PM

IPD Designer - Custom Function    

Started By  Roger French
IPD Designer version Windows 2012, Landmark 10.x So I want to add a custom function to utilize in designer. I've added the custom code in pflow.js in \system\LPS I stopped/restarted all services in Landmark and LSF. Exited and logged back into Process Designer. I still can't see the custom function I just created in the drop down of any assignment node. I rechecked everything. Still the custom function doesn't appear. Yes, I'm using this in the header part of the pflow.js. I eve...
10 4454 2
by  John HenleyJump to last post
7/18/2017 1:38 PM

PFI table/column listing    

Started By  timbomom
Hi..  I'm looking for a table column listing of PFI tables.  I need a detailed description of how to convert a WFMETRICS v9 node in a flow to the corresponding PFI table.  The landmark node build function in ipd is very confusing and unclear to use. The v9 node has this code: PROD=LOGAN&FILE=WFMETRICS&INDEX=WMESET8&KEY==2=&FIELD=WORKUNIT;PROCESS-ID;END-DATE;END-TIME;STATUS;WF-RM-ID;TASK;ACTIVITY-ID;OPERATION;COMMENT;START-DATE;DUE-DATE&OUT=CSV&DELIM=~   Thanks in advance, Pat
2 3306 0
by  timbomomJump to last post
7/18/2017 8:00 PM


Started By  timbomom
Working at client to covert PFI to IPA.  Have some flows that make extensive use of WFMETRICS table in PFI. The conversion scripts muck up the IPA conversion.  Anybody have any samples of WFMETRICS to PFIMETRICS I have a file mapping from for PFI to IPA but it's not much help for WFMETRICS.   The V9 node is: PROD=LOGAN&FILE=WFMETRICS&INDEX=WMESET8&KEY==2=&FIELD=WORKUNIT;PROCESS-ID;END-DATE;END-TIME;STATUS;WF-RM-ID;TASK;ACTIVITY-ID;OPERATION;COMMENT;START-DATE;DUE-DATE&OUT=CSV&DELIM=~   A...
0 3367 0
7/19/2017 2:37 AM


Started By  timbomom
Migrating to V10 from V9, where can I find equivalent IP-ADDRESS and PORT-NUMBER from WFEVTSERV in V10 Thanks, Pat
0 2915 0
7/26/2017 1:32 PM


Started By  vishwanath
We are facing issue with the post date for job AR130. The deposit date is getting applied to the post date instead of posting date i.e user selected date or current date when we try to apply the payments after submitting the AR130 job. Please let me know the solution for this issue.
0 3155 0
8/1/2017 8:25 AM

IPA Scheduler Not Working    

Started By  Roger French
This is a new instance. Win/SQL. LSF 10.0.9, Landmark LSF and Landmark have been running for a few months. IPA's have been installed, configured and running OK. Trying to schedule an existing IPA flow using Rich Client. The IPA runs fine and OK for a manual schedule meaning 'Start'. It runs fine in IPD too. The issue is that if I create a schedule in My Actions, Schedule for any type of periodic schedule for the IPA to run (one a day, once a week, etc.) it fails to launch. I'm log...
8 5887 0
by  Roger FrenchJump to last post
9/11/2017 8:26 PM

How to Disable Landmark User ?    

Started By  Bob WCHN
I'm doing analysis to design a Process Flow to disable terminated employees. When looking at a User Account in ISA, I see there is an 'Account Disabled' checkbox on the Landmark Tab. I haven't been able to find a way to set that in my searching of the available functions in the Landmark Transaction or Resource Update activity Nodes. Is there a way to set that flag from a Process Flow
2 3750 0
by  Bob WCHNJump to last post
8/15/2017 1:33 PM

Sys Cmds Returning Unreadable Log    

Started By  ehuso
Hello, When we issue a system command, the response is completely unreadable regardless of if the process completes or it fails. This is especially an issue with our FTP manager. After IPA creates a file, our FTP client on the iSeries performs the FTP. The FTP manager needs the file to be generated with a CCSID of 37. In the attributes, it is shown as 37 but when the hex of the file is examined, the true CCSID is not 37. I noticed in our process flow logs that this occurs for all system comman...
0 3617 0
9/7/2017 5:28 PM

Negative or zero dollar payment    

Started By  Todd Mitchell
We are currently working on a project in which a customer has the ability to pay their invoices via credit card.  On some occasions, the amount of credits could be the same or exceed the amount of invoices, resulting in a zero dollar payment or a negative payment.  In the Lawson EFT world (AR115), Lawson creates a debit memo to offset the amount of the negative payment and then interjects a zero dollar payment into the payment table. Has anyone had to create a similar situation and if so, how d...
0 3938 1
9/11/2017 6:28 PM

Process flow performance issues in Cloud - possible grid issues???    

Started By  Jessica M
We are getting ready to go live in the cloud on 9/22/17.  Our grid was tuned in the spring and our process flow performance  was better in the cloud than our on-prem version as of mid summer.  Now, all of the sudden, our performance has gotten worse.  Flows are running anywhere from 30 minutes more to 4 hours longer than they previously were in the cloud.  We are not getting anywhere with our project team and the support personnel they have assigned.  At this point the answer has been 'hmmm I...
4 3600 0
by  Jessica MJump to last post
9/20/2017 5:40 PM
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