Environment Update problems

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Brian Espe
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    We recently upgraded our environment from LSF9.0.1.6 to LSF9.0.1.11,  There are some performance patches that we are now attempting to apply but they are failing.  After working with lawson for over a week they said we have a messed up environment and to start all over and this is why they recommend using professional services. (Delete / Reinstall)  We aren't sure how things got messed up but install.cfg / lawson.env and websphere all have different LAWENV names.  Everything worked fine up until now.  We are on AIX6.1, LSF9.0.1.11 and Apps  WebSphere  If there are any Environment "Guru's" out there willing to help we would really appreciate it.
    TJ Mann
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      what happened ? follow lawson smoke test, and let us know.

      i just completed upgrading from lsf9019 to lsf90112,was7019 to was7027 and other patches: ess/mss/portal/rqc/mscm
      so far, good from my end.

      your env is same as mine.
      Veteran Member
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        I'm assuming this is a Test environment? If not you have my extreme sympathy. I experienced a problem where the LDAP DB corrupted, it would pass smoke tests, and do some things correctly, but any user that had both a Requestor ID and other security would have problems. Really, really odd problems. Anything out side of RQ would run, RQ would just blow up. Did not notice the problem for months, so the LDAP backups were long gone. We ended up doing exactly what is being recommended here. How in the world the LAWENV names got hosed I can't imagine. I'm afraid Lawson is correct, I'd recommend re-installing the environment. I think you'd be chasing your tail trying to find the problems one-by-one. Just my opinion.
        Basic Member
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          Different lawenv ? It could happen if someone mistakenly update lawson.env, websphere and install.cfg. Here is what i will do:
          1. Get the correct LAWENV name and update lawson.env, websphere and install.cfg. Review the $LAWDIR/system/install.log back trace on the correct env name once your certain update the three config places mentioned above.
          2. . cv lawenvname
          3. Stoplaw
          4. Starlaw once you are able to start the environment that would be a good sign.
          5. Check the values of environment variables in was make sure they are right.
          6. run all smoke test
          7. Apply the patch one by one do not use batch mode.

          It would help if you can give some error details. Thanks
          Brian Espe
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            Thank You for the replies.  The interesting thing is everything does come up fine.  As developers we are able to work in LID and use the GUI platform.  The only thing that doesn't work is Portal.  I have to think there is a way to debug the situation.  If I do have to do a reinstall I would delete the Environment, Tivoli and Websphere.  Would I also have to delete the application / Productline? 
            John Henley
            Posts: 3353
              If LID is working then you don't need a complete reinstall.
              You probably just have something missing in websphere configuration like the environment variables or classpath.
              Thanks for using the LawsonGuru.com forums!
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                What version of CBL and Portal are you using?
                Advanced Member
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                  Did your Bouncy Castle tests pass after the upgrade?
                  Jeff White
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                    This reply is probably way too late, but we just upgraded to this last Friday, and had at least a very similar issue to what you are running into. 

                    Everything seemed just fine until we tried to use Portal and https://

                    If you are using https:// then the installer overwrote the SERVICEURL attribute in SSOP to use http:// and port 80.   Once we exported SSOP, changed the SERVICEURL to what it was supposed to be (https:// and port 443), and then re-loaded it with ssoconfig, everything was perfect again.

                    Unfortunately for us, this happened in production, and production was down for a few hours.  We didn't run into this issue on test because we only use http:// and port 80 over there.
                    Xin Li
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                      We are planning to upgrade our environment to as well. Our application is on Did anyone experience impact on application as well after environment upgrade? Does application need to be on certain MSP lever for envrionment?
                      Basic Member
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                        We are on apps and have not experienced any issues since upgrading our environment to  We've been on it for a year now.

                        I believe that is the minimum app version required for env
                        Xin Li
                        Veteran Member
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                          Thanks Mary. What apps you are using? We have finance and procurement, RQC, MSCM and LBI.
                          Basic Member
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                            We have finance, supply chain and HR/payroll.
                            Roger French
                            Veteran Member
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                              Posted By MaryM on 05/15/2014 11:00 AM
                              We are on apps and have not experienced any issues since upgrading our environment to  We've been on it for a year now.

                              I believe that is the minimum app version required for env

                              I don't think that's correct. The compatibility matrix says otherwise. Also I just upgraded a Windows environment from apps in a environment to a apps in a environment.
                              Xin Li
                              Veteran Member
                              Posts: 133
                              Veteran Member
                                Thanks for the reply.

                                The reason why we want to upgrade to ESP 12 to support internet explorer version 10.

                                Anyone has an environment that support I.E version 10?
                                Jeff White
                                Veteran Member
                                Posts: 83
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                                  I think if the only reason that you are updating your environment to is for IE10 compatibility, you will be extremely disappointed. While self-service and the login pages now appear normal in IE10, when application users go to change parameters in the batch forms, you are going to run into problems. Our application users still have to run IE10 in compatibility mode.