Object Not Found error in Latm.log

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Brian Fink
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Posts: 1
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    Hi all. I hope I'm in the right forum for this topic.

    We had a recent disk crash on our HP server that runs our Lawson Financial application. This is an older non-production system that is mainly for record retention. The database is running and the server isn't throwing errors but when get errors when we try to access the application via the desktop Insight client. The client loads and we can get into the general ledger flowchart but once we try to access the accounts we get the following errors:

    Tue Mar 29 11:28:25 2011: Executable object not found, WEAVEXX, GLFL Tue Mar 29 11:28:25 2011: latm (GetNxtApp): Could not start application, BldExecObj failed - GLFL  WEAVEXX Tue Mar 29 11:28:25 2011: latm (AddApp): Application could not start, WEAVEXX, GLFL Tue Mar 29 11:28:37 2011: Executable object not found, WEAVEXX, GL10 Tue Mar 29 11:28:37 2011: latm (GetNxtApp): Could not start application, BldExecObj failed - GL10  WEAVEXX Tue Mar 29 11:28:37 2011: latm (AddApp): Application could not start, WEAVEXX, GL10

    System information:
    HP-UX hp2 B.11.11 U 9000/800
    Informix Dynamic Server Version 9.30.FC3
    Lawson Insight Desktop

    Any help is appreciated.

    Best Regards,
