User Attribute for ADDINS on V8 iSeries

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Ron Swanson
Basic Member
Posts: 10
Basic Member
    Lawson V8.1, iSeries, off support.  Original support staff long gone.

    I have limited knowledge of Lawson, though very familiar with iSeries.

    Need to add authority for new user to access ADDINS for Office.  I have limited knowledge of security admin, but have defined new users and assigned to groups.

    ADDINS and User Config manuals (Windows and Unix - no iSeries versions around) refer to an Attribute to assign.  Have searched through documents, screens, tables and just can't figure it out.

    Any help is appreciated.

    Greg Moeller
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 1498
    Veteran Member
      Do you mean like in the attached screen shot?
      Ron Swanson
      Basic Member
      Posts: 10
      Basic Member
        Yes. Is this done in the Resource Manager? For some reason we do not have a copy of this program.
        Ron Swanson
        Basic Member
        Posts: 10
        Basic Member

          OK.  I finally got this working.  With the present setup all I had to do was add the user as a WEb User from the Portal.   I had a lot of issues with that having to run through various types and ages of browsers before I got one to work.  Strangely, it was Chrome that finally worked.

