Forum: IPA/ProcessFlow

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Attaching Employee Pictures using Process Automation    

Started By  DanB
We currently have employee pictures in jpg format stored in a file system directory that are created by our employee badge system.  I am attempting to attach these picture to the employees in Talent Management using the Landmark node in Process Automation.  Here is the Landmark transaction string I am using. _dataArea='ltmtest' & _module='hr' & _objectName='Employee' & _actionName='Update' & _actionOperator='NONE' & _actionType='CreateUpdateDelete' & _pageSize='30' & _effectiveDate='20140924' &...
11 26686 5
by  Vlad AlcasidJump to last post
6/3/2021 1:55 AM

REST Calls in Infor Process Automation    

Started By  Ethan
We are working on a new interface where the vendor provided a REST API. Is it possible to interact with a REST API through an Infor Process Automation We typically deal with flat files, this is our first project using the REST API. We will basically need to pull some data through the API, do an AGS call to load the data into a PA52 action, and then post some data back through the REST API. Any guidance would be appreciated.
7 36267 3
by  LauaLuauJump to last post
5/3/2021 6:20 PM

SQLQRY node issues creating a CSV    

Started By  LawnsonGuy
Hello All, On the SQLQRY node there is a checkbox for 'Generate CSV from resultset (This will skip SQL Looping)'. This feature seems to work for me until at some point I believe the resultset is too large. For example, I have an IPA that saves a CSV file to a local folder. The process runs fine daily and we don't have any issues with it. If I try to expand the range of the query within the node to find more data, it fails. It ran fine for 2136 rows, but failed at 7713. When I look at the l...
0 3746 0
2/26/2021 4:57 PM

Can IPA send to a Printer??    

Started By  Joan Herzfeldt
I have a request from our Material Dept.  'Looking to see if an IPA flow can be created that upon receipt of a patient chargeable item on a line in a PO, if a print file can be sent to the Zebra printer to automatically print the yellow charge sticker. Receipt can be done on a MSCM handheld or on the PO30'    We currently have the Gen_PORecieve trigger on and filter for tissue items that are received, so I know I can trigger a work unit and I can query to see if it is a charable item, etc... ...
1 14625 1
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
3/12/2021 4:34 PM

IPA with DocuSign/Fill & Sign    

Started By  Kat V
Is IPA capable of leveraging Sharepoint as a file share We have pdf forms that we want to route for approval - but these forms themselves need to use something like Docusign or Fill & Sign and cummulate signatures and edits.  All our current solutions would be download and then upload an edited copy.  We only want to keep the one and overwrite it as we go. If we store this on Sharepoint - can the IPA do the 'Checkout/Checkin' steps and keep the attachment URL on the item, req, PO, etc
0 3539 0
3/17/2021 5:47 PM

FTP node and carriage returns    

Started By  Scooter
After FTP node transmits file, Line Carriage returns (CR) are missing.  Why Each line has a '\n'  (i.e. CR) appended to the end.  FTP is using a SFTP connection.  How can we keep (CR) on each line   Thanks.
2 14545 0
by  ScooterJump to last post
3/29/2021 3:31 PM

Write File adding extra record    

Started By  Joan Herzfeldt
I'm populating a message builder and later writing those records to a file.  I have no problems in the IPDesigner.  However when the process runs from the server the first line in the file does not come from the message builder.  It is: com.lawson.bpm.processflow.workFlow.flowGraph.FgaMsgBuilder1028d654  and then I see all the records from the msg builder.  This is a new issue to v11  Any idea how to get rid of it
1 13705 1
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
4/15/2021 6:36 PM

Terminating Pflow after a certain amount of time    

Started By  Debra
We have a flow that looks for a file and then does various things to it.  We need to figure out a way to stop the flow/work unit created if it is unsuccessful after 4 days.  Is there a way to do this in either the flow or the schedule  I haven't been able to find something that will work.  Thanks for your help!
2 14312 1
by  DebraJump to last post
4/21/2021 6:53 PM

JDBC MS Access from IPA    

Started By  Karen Sheridan
Is it possible to set-up a JDBC connection from an IPA JDBC Driver: jdbc:odbcriver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)} Database URL: jdbc:odbc://C:\users\karen.sheridan\access\nonemployeeproject\;DatabaseName=nonemployee.accdb I know this won't work on the server side.  But I'm not getting pasted the driver set-up. Test Connection error message: SQL Test Connection: JDBC Driver jdbc:odbcriver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)} not found in classpath. Please a...
1 10615 2
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
12/6/2021 4:28 PM

Sample CSV flow for IPA    

Started By  Jay
Hi I am new to Lawson! I wrote couple interfaces using COBOL, now I am learning IPA and would like to some assistance how I should read a .CSV file and pars/contact (data manipulation) to create a output file that will feed into database. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks Jay
2 11901 0
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
12/22/2021 7:07 PM

How to assign a DistGrp using IPA    

Started By  Jerry
Is there a way to define a Report Distribution group to a batch job created using IPA Activity Node LWSNTXN (Lawson Transaction)
13 15216 2
by  JerryJump to last post
1/17/2022 3:32 PM

PR170 file locatoin    

Started By  adnan512
Hello everyone, I am trying to change the default file locatoin for PR170 which is (/work directory). I have used jobdef in LID to define a path under (External Name like d:/lsenv/law/lsapps/work/pr170pospay/) but the file keeps going root of work folder. I would eventually have a file channel scan file but I dont want to point File channel to work folder.  Any suggestion would be appreciated. Tx
6 15359 1
by  adnan512Jump to last post
5/1/2022 1:02 PM

SQL query to pull Reqs and who Approved them    

Started By  twinsmomma
Which tables do I use  I found the PFIWORKUNIT and can filter on Req Approval with Statuse codes, but how can I link the Approvers  for Approver 1 and Approver 2 and who approved these or denied
1 6076 0
by  Jay SJump to last post
8/31/2022 6:04 PM

IPA Timeout error    

Started By  ScottCT
We have an IPA that is triggered from a mashup that will timeout after 3 minutes in M3/Smart Office, but the process itself will still run on the IPA Server and finish it's tasks. Is there a setting in Smart Office / M3 where we can increase this timeout time
0 2388 0
9/1/2022 5:02 PM

Data Iterator reset    

Started By  Bill Brennenstuhl
I have a flow that gets a list of files from a directory.  I then use a For Each along with a Read File to loop through those files.  Within that, I have a Data Iterator when I read through the line in the file looking for specific text.  My issue is, when the Data Iterator process is completed and I go out and get the next file, do the Read File and then Iterate through the lines again, the recordNumber is at whatever it left off at from the previous file.  How do I get it to start a 1 when I g...
3 4779 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
2/28/2023 2:02 PM

Datetime Conversion    

Started By  Bill Brennenstuhl
I am pulling a datetime string from a text file report in the format of 'Mon Feb 11 11:20:09 2023'.  From this I need to create a separate date string of mm/dd/yyyy and a separate time string of HH:MM:SS 24 hour format.\ The closest I've been able to is using: toLocaleDateString = February 11, 2023 toLocaleTimeString = 11:20:09 AM CST
1 8524 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
2/28/2023 2:05 PM

Recovering an S3 Job With IPA    

Started By  LawnsonGuy
I created an IPA that monitors for specific system account jobs and attempts to recover them if they go into recovery. It seems to work fine in our Test environment, but in Prod I receive a 'Security Violation'. To recover the job, I am using a System Command node with the jqaction -R command. The System Command node runs as user lawson. The Command error output is 'Security Violation'. The return message is 'System command error: command returned error code 1'. Where can I look to ver...
0 1823 1
5/23/2023 3:18 PM

IPD Installation    

Started By  ALB
We are moving from Lawson 10 to Infor Cloudsuite.  In the past when Landmark changes, we had to install a new version.  I heard that a new version will be loaded.  I remember Rich Client worked that way.  Is that correct In the past, I had to install Strawberry Perl.  Is that still the case
2 3041 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
6/29/2023 7:25 PM

IPA and AP05.3    

Started By  Randy
Anyone have success with IPA and adding distribution records. I have the node setup and the fields all set via SQL. The first record will add just fine, however the second will error (AGS) with 'Distribution Code Already Exists'. I know the method is 'ADD' and unlike excel upload there is no 'ADD then Change'.  Anyone have correct methofd for doing this
3 5623 0
by  RandyJump to last post
9/20/2023 1:21 AM

Resource Transaction Node to Delete REQUESTER Identity    

Started By  JoseLuis
Has anyone had success with IPA and updating security such as deleting the REQUESTER identity for requesters I'm using a resource query node to pull users that are disabled in Security. Next I have a Resource Transaction node set up which deletes the REQUESTER identity for users that are disabled. It works correctly as it is going through and deleting the identity ( REQUESTER identity field is no longer populated in Security) however the idenity becomes orphaned and the system won't allow us to...
0 2127 1
1/1/2024 6:57 PM

IPA and MS-Access DB    

Started By  Greg Moeller
Anyone have a sample config for setting up a JDBC connection to MS-Access that they'd be willing to share Is that even possible
1 2448 1
by  ScottCTJump to last post
1/8/2024 6:16 PM

How to format a process trigger return message?    

Started By  ScottCT
Currently, when we trigger a process from a mashup deployed to Smart Office/M3, we get a message formated like this regardless of the outcome of the process: 'The server returned no data' and an exclamation point icon. There are ways to format messaging within Mashups events on MessageBoxControl by setting the TargetKey Parameter to 'MessageType' and Parameter Value to Question, warn, error, or Success. You can also set the Header, and text of the message. However, we can't find anything ...
0 1957 0
1/18/2024 11:07 PM

Attaching a pdf file to employee record in GHR.    

Started By  adnan512
Hello guyz I am trying to write an IPA to attach pdf documents to employee rercord in GHR. It looks like data is sitting in a EmployeeDocument business class. Please see copy and paste from LMK node below. I am passing file locatoin but system is just attaching a blank pdf and not actaully uploading from an actual file location. Any help will be appreciated. tx
6 1586 0
by  RandyJump to last post
2/20/2024 3:18 PM

IPA executing Job    

Started By  klkemp100
New to the IPA world and was wondering, can an IPA execute a Job that is setup currently in Jobdef If yes, how do you do this Thanks!
2 2590 1
by  RandyJump to last post
3/13/2024 8:00 PM

Sample XML file create Flow    

Started By  adnan512
Hello everyone, I am new to creating XML files and trying to work with XML node in IPD 11.0.52. I am trying to created loaduser.xml since we can no longer use CSP to upload a CSV file to setup LSENV identity. I am not sure what to put into 'Append output to' screenshot below. I was wondering if someone could upload a sample IPA that creates an XML file.
0 2492 1
4/3/2024 3:43 PM
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