Forum: IPA/ProcessFlow

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Started By  TommyT
Is there any way to see who'se(sp) at inbasket a work unit is sitting in while its awating action Is there programatic way to move work units from one inbasket to another
6 4775 2
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
7/11/2011 8:31 PM

Pflows Continue to Run after Cancelling    

Started By  Woozy
Hi All, I have some flows that I am testing by launching via Designer with the 'Run on Server' checkbox checked. I'm trying to cancel the flow by going into Pflow Admin, finding the WorkUnit and clicking the 'Cancel' button. The status changes to '8-Cancellation Completed' but the flow continues to run (or, at least, the wflog file continues to grow). If it matters, I'm trying to cancel in the 'middle' of a sql node. The node returns far more records than I expected, so I wanted to canc...
1 3031 1
by  gastonakJump to last post
8/19/2011 1:47 PM

I need some SysCommand help please...    

Started By  TBonney
Can anyone provide insight on how to get the syscommand node to operate properly I was unable to get a transaction node to update job parameters for a web run node to call a Lawson job. So, it was suggested that I try writing a batch to update the job parameters and use a syscommand node to run the batch instead (still followed by web run to execute the newly updated job). However, I now can't get the syscommand node to work either. Please Help!!! I am using run cmd.exe execution mode ...
18 8057 4
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
7/23/2011 11:02 PM

Delay in Process Flow    

Started By  L G
Hi I have 2 web run nodes that call 2 different jobs in a process flow. Now I need to introduce a delay in the flow or a way to ensure that the first job has completed before the second one runs. or is there a way to change the step  parameters of a multi step job from within Process Flow if I integrate the 2 web run nodes in Process Flow. Both the jobs that are being called within the 2 web run are also modified within the flow via AGS calls with different parameters on each run based on...
13 6833 2
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
7/29/2011 1:12 PM

Personnel Action PF question    

Started By  RoxanneS
I've been tasked with creating a Personnel Action Process Flow (PF). According to Lawson documentation, the name of the Action has to be exactly the same as the Service in Process Flow which makes it sound like the PF can only be for one Action Code. But our HR department wants the PF to be for 14 Action Codes. Am I going to have to create 14 PFs Isn't there some way to create one PF that can handle all 14 Action Codes Thanks!!
10 3975 0
by  RoxanneSJump to last post
7/26/2011 2:32 PM

Adding folder to dynamic workunit triggered by user exit    

Started By  L G
Hi i am creating workunits via a user exit. Now as part of the flow I have created useraction node. How can I add a workunit folder to the inbasket workunit from the user exit or create it dynamically during the process flow run. Note that the workunit folders is calling a form and needs to be populated with values passed to the process flow for example we pass COMPANY and EMPLOYEE as service variables to the flow and they need to be populated on the form such as HR11 or PA12 in the workuni...
2 2706 0
by  L GJump to last post
6/24/2011 5:02 AM

Variable Name within a variable name??    

Started By  steveh
Hi all,    New to process flow and already running into my first issue :)  I have a SQL call from SQL integrator node to an oracle database.  The schema is being passed in as a variable, so the query is using this variable... but when I get the results from the query back and try to use them in a message builder, I get undefined.. my guess is because the variable name ends up as .Table.Data> I have tried using AS in the select, but that just appends that to the variable name listed above.  Do...
2 3042 0
by  stevehJump to last post
6/27/2011 12:07 PM

PF IOS API Builder - One to Many query    

Started By  Karen Sheridan
We are trying to query purchase order and po line data PROD=TESTSCM&FILE=PURCHORDER&FIELD=COMPANY;PO-NUMBER;POLINE.LINE-NBR&SELECT=PO-NUMBER=20126588&OUT=CSV&DELIM=~&OTMMAX=20 But, the call is only returning one line; this po has 3 I added the OTMMAX parameter to see if that would help and it doesn't Is there a limitation or a switch or another parameter Our SQL query returns the correct data; the API does not TIA, Karen
3 3656 2
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
6/25/2011 12:41 AM

P-Flow email details    

Started By  TBonney
Can anyone tell me where to assign the email user and/or server that is to be used for emails generated from within Process Flow I assume that it is a configuration or properties file, but do nto find it in either the '' or the '' files, which are both found in the D:\Program Files\Lawson Software\ProcessFlow900\ directory. Thanks you.
8 3465 2
by  TBonneyJump to last post
7/14/2011 1:48 PM

Unable to view task level Work in the inbasket    

Started By  Vijay S
I am not able to view Task level work under the portal inbasket, though i didi setting in Pf administrator toll under user profile and decalred the user as Supervisor but not able to view the workint in the inbasket Am i missing something .......User level work tab is coming fine. Thanks- Vijay
5 3104 0
by  Vijay SJump to last post
7/23/2011 6:46 AM

PFlow Scheduler Duplication    

Started By  vc727
I have several processes that are triggered by the pflow scheduler at various times. Some time in the past two weeks it appears that the scheduler is running each of these twice once which fails and once which completes. The problem is that most of these flows have an email that sends info to people accross the organization. The email is coming to them populated with undefined as every data item. Has anyone else seen this and if so what was the resolution
1 2761 0
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
7/29/2011 1:46 PM

Installation of PFI for M3    

Hi , could you help me ,how to Install  PFI for M3 Thanks Parthiv
0 3795 0
7/25/2011 6:25 PM

Display exec    

Started By  Lance Kelley
In our TEST requisition approval PFlow's User Action node, in the 'Display exec' field, I'm referring to a portal page 'req_appr_page.xml' (that I created with Design Studio). This works without issue when I key in 'req_appr_page.xml' directly into the Display exec field, but the process fails when I use a variable I set up in that field (that points to the same exact page).   I need the variable there because I want to feed the new display to some employees I have testing the system, yet g...
7 4841 0
by  Lance KelleyJump to last post
8/4/2011 10:42 PM

webrun not updating data    

Started By  George Graham
Have a webrun node to remove items from User Task Category. If I execute the entire url in iexplorer it works fine and the data is removed: /bpm/views/userCategoryViewForm.dobpmViewMode=0& But in a webrun the flow runs - and the webrun node returns a success - but the data is note removed. All other BPM type webruns work fine. I know tha...
2 3530 0
by  George GrahamJump to last post
7/27/2011 3:55 PM

Using PFI as standalone BPM    

Started By  jcims
Hi Folks, I'm doing some work for a customer and could use a bit of BPM in my project.  They are about ready to go live with Lawson Financials and HR, and are using PFI. My question is whether or not PFI is suitable for use as a general purpose BPM in cases where there is not a direct relationship to the scope of the Lawson deployment.  My other option, of course, is to bring in a dedicated BPM product or just write my (somewhat limited) cases from scratch.  Neither of these seem like good...
4 4855 3
by  jcimsJump to last post
8/1/2011 1:40 PM

Rerouting of RFP's incase supervisor is on Leave    

Started By  Vijay S
Hi, I am working on Process flow for RFP's, In case the supervisor is on Vacation, I need to reroute the same, Where Actually I need to do the Set Up for the same. Suggestions are welcome. Thanks, Vijay
7 3323 1
by  Vijay SJump to last post
8/24/2011 5:57 AM

What is Lawson Insight Enterprise Workflow tool?    

Started By  msjmg111
The HR Manager is looking at implementing Manager Self Service and a help topic on a PA screen referenced the 'Lawson Insight Enterprise Workflow tool', has anyone heard of this  Maybe another name for ProccessFlow and Lawson didn't update their documentation  Also, are there any 'canned' flows for Manager Self Service or will we need to create our own
2 5196 0
by  msjmg111Jump to last post
8/9/2011 12:48 PM


Hi All, Can you help me in USER ACTION in PFI. my Question is ,it is possible to use User Action in loop because i have  a query which has some user id so instead of uses in seperate user action for each userid from database  ,i plan to use by the DataIterator and pass the value in user action . Please help me ....... Thanks Partihv
16 5469 1
by  KK - InforJump to last post
8/12/2011 8:32 PM

What determines whether a node error causes a workunit to fail?    

Started By  Woozy
We are experiencing a problem with our PFI server that is causing S3 queries to have a connection failure (which we're working with Lawson to resolve).  However, this is causing a symptom that is odd to me. For some reason, we have some flows where the workunit goes into a status '3-Processing Failed' when the error occurs, but other flows (with the same error) where the workunit completes with a status of '4-Processing Completed' after the error occurs. Can anyone explain why two identica...
1 2821 0
by  Rob ConradJump to last post
8/19/2011 4:33 PM

Requisition PF Approver    

Started By  cBreeze
I am working on a Requisition Approval PF (For Special Items only.) After analyzing the Solution Templates and various forums, I am still having trouble understanding linking the Requester to the appropriate Approver. I am looking for any suggestions on how others handle this. The logic of this PF is pretty basic... A special Item is Released and needs to create a work unit for approval (Reject/Unrelease.) Update/Send email, etc... At this time there will only be 2 levels of approval ...
4 3560 1
by  cBreezeJump to last post
8/22/2011 9:47 PM

Retrieve Messages from Process Flow Inbasket?    

Started By  Jonathan
On the left hand side of the inbasket, I have a link called 'Messages' where you can attach or view messages saved with the are viewing.  What table are these messages stored in  I looked in all the WF* tables in Logan and I don't see a place for them.  Thanks.
3 3174 0
by  JonathanJump to last post
8/23/2011 6:29 PM

Manually - Simple calculations not working in Java Script Box    

Started By  Vijay S
Hi, I am working on a flow, I experienced a strange thing. I have a statement  ApprovalCount = ApprovalCount 1. Here, i have declared ApprovalCount as a variable at the starting. I need to update PA42 with the same for approval count. Now when i write the same statement Manually  (ApprovalCount 1) in the javascript expression box it doesn't seem to work, But when select the same variable from the left by double clicking on it and then add 1, It works perfectly.I tried it couple of m...
3 2884 0
by  ShawnVJump to last post
8/24/2011 7:50 PM

Web Service Node    

Started By  troelofs
Hi, I'm trying to load a WSDL for a Taleo web service. When I try to load the url in the Web Services node in PFI Designer, I receive the message 'Selected port is not Document/literal style'. Does PFI not support RPC style If not, is there a suggested workaround to be able to use PFI or do I need to pick another development tool
0 3089 2
8/24/2011 1:15 PM

Custom Trigger changes - No Work Unit    

Started By  Karen Sheridan
I have a custom online update (ZZ07 - has supervisor data on it).  I created a End user exit (ZZ07EPD).  On my initial test I had employee number as my only service variable.  Compiled the user exit, created the service, tied them together, voila - work unit. Today, I added a few other service variables to the Cobol; added them to the service; recompiled the user exit; no work unit.  No errors in the compile; no errors that I can find in PF, but we have some of the logs turned off because o...
6 5003 1
by  KK - InforJump to last post
9/6/2011 11:31 PM

Transaction Update posts 0000 instead of variable    

Started By  Deleted User
I have a transaction update node that updates AR20.1 user field with the work unit plus a text field established with a previous assignment variable that works most of the time.  Although the log reads the correct update was made but on occasion the user field displays 0000.  A restart is always successful in fixing the problem, but I need to resolve it.  I'm using 15 of the 20 available characters.  any suggestions
0 2965 0
9/13/2011 4:37 PM
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