E4X in XML node

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    Does anyone have an example of using E4X in the xml node? I can't find any examples in the documentation.

    This would be for building an XML document.

    Any pointers greatly appreciated.

    Kevin Cubillas
    Basic Member
    Posts: 9
    Basic Member
      Hi Steve,

      Did you ever get an answer to this question or find a way to use the XML node to build?  I'm trying the same and am finding it to be a bit of a mystery.
      Basic Member
      Posts: 11
      Basic Member
        Hi Kevin,

        Never got a reply from this forum, but after much persistance I finally got an answer from Lawson.  As you may well know this is not documented other than to say E4X is supported.

        Here's what I've done - in my PFI flow I've declared a javascript function in an assign node, called createJobGradeName (see below for code).  I then call createJobGradeName in my xml node, in the 'input' tab - see xml code below.

        Hope this helps.


         * If Position.paygrade is 1, it’s a union position, if 0 it’s non-union.
         * This function is used by the JobCodes and jobGrades xml and assign nodes.

        function createJobGradeName (stepandGradeSchedule, payGrade, salaryStructure, geographicDiff, salaryStructureGrade) {
         if (payGrade) {
          return (rtrim(stepandGradeSchedule) + '-' + payGrade);
         } else if (!payGrade) {
          return (salaryStructure.substring(0,4) + '-' + geographicDiff.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"") + '-' + salaryStructureGrade);
         } else {
          return 'undefined';

        Here's the xml code found in the 'input' tab of my xml node, you can see where I call createJobGradeName and other functions.

            {createJecCatName (jobCodesQuery_JOBCOUNTRYATTRIBUTECODE) }
            {createFLSACodeName (jobCodesQuery_PAYMENTSCHEDULE)}