In LTM, on the Requisition Dashboard - Hire tab, when a user right clicks on a candidate and selects the Hire action, the Hire Processflow is kicked off. Inside of the Hire processflow I would like to automatically Disposition all the other candidates with a disposition reason of "Rejected".
Can I use the Landmark Transaction Node to disposition candidates and if so how can you tell me how to do that? If I can't use the Landmark Transaction Node what node can I use?
Thank you.
Hi Dave Lis,
I haven't done this, but it certainly should be possible. You would need to use a Landmark Transaction node (or several of them). Basically, you'll need to note carefully how the recruiter does the process manually, and then mimic that in the flow. If the recruiter can do it via Canvas, then you should be able to do it using the Transaction node in Pflow - though there may be some things that aren't as obvious. One thing to consider is that in some places (like ours) the same requisition could be used for multiple hires, so you'd need to be sure that all the positions were filled before dispositioning everyone. You'll also have to figure out what do do if they decide not to fill one of the openings. Here are the steps I would use:
Like I said, we haven't done this, so I'm not positive this is correct, but it should give you a place to start.
Is there something specific you haven't been able to figure out? Kelly
I just looked and, on the Recruiting>>JobApplication business class, in the Action dropdown in the Landmark node, there is an action named "DispositionCandidateApplied". I'm guessing this is what the "Disposition Candidate" action on the form in Canvas uses. It takes Candidate, HROrg, JobApp, and JobReq as keys, and includes DispositionReason field and SendAutomatedEmail (boolean). I'm guessing you would call this as an Update action.
In Recruiter Space, if you select the "Disposition Candidate" action, it prompts you to select one of the predefined Reason Codes. In the source for this action (in $LASRCDIR/{prodline}/modules/Recruiting/bl/JobApplication.busclass - see attached) it looks like the email flag is pulled from the Recruiting Setup. I think you'd need to either look this up or manually populate the value.
Note that this is from our 9.2.5 environment, so it may be somewhat different if you are on LM10. Kelly